I Was Right

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We finally pulled into civilization in the mysterious truck we decided would be a bit too dangerous to drive around. Or, at least I decided it was dangerous. Lawson was just there.

We parked the truck behind an Aldi store and walked the rest of the way. The car's clock read 10:29 AM, meaning that it took almost twenty-nine minutes to drive our car, argue, drop the idea of both of us being rich, and finally reaching another town. All in half an hour.

After getting something to eat, we left the restaurant and made our way back to the truck. But I realized something. I didn't have a present for Maggie.

"Wait." I stopped Lawson.

"What is it?"

"I need to get Maggie something for Christmas."

He looked around and saw a small store with all sort of things that was visible through the big window. There were candles, candies, and some snow globes that could be customized to your favorite color or look. You could call it a trinket store.

He took my hand and we walked over to the store. "You can get anything here. She's like a dog, Since she loves you, she'll like whatever you give her."

I was about to tell him about his insulting example but decided it was no use. I patted his cheek and told him gently, "Thank you."

When I walked inside the store, I immediately walked to the section with the snow globes. I know, a snow globe to my wife sounds like the dumbest thing possible, but she likes the holiday season and is contemplating on a collection. Might as well start with this one.

The employee walked into view and smiled at us.

Lawson and I both looked at each other in the same Is-who-I-think-it-is face.

"Welcome to The 34th Street Emporium," Nick said, adjusting his plumb red apron. "How could I be of service?"

"Nick?" Lawson asked.

"Yes?" He responded.

"What are you doing here?"

"I work here."

"Nick," I add. "You know that stalking someone is pretty sketchy, right?"

"Who said I was stalking? I am working here."

"So you drive several hours south just to get to your next job?"

"And that's a problem?"

There's no telling why this (possible) psycho was following us. But at least I wasn't the only one who was beginning to notice that something unusual was really giving me a bad vibe.

"I am recalled to help you with all your needs. There are only three days until Christmas, you know."

"We know." Lawson and I said at the same time.

"How could I help you?"

"I am looking for a Christmas gift for my wife."

"Ah, Maggie."

"Uh, Yes."

How did he know that?

"I know something she would absolutely love."

Nick did a 360° turn and held a beautiful snow globe in his once empty hands. It had a silver base with Merry Christmas written in cursive. Inside the globe, there were three Christmas trees that with twinkling lights wrapped around each of them.

"She would love this."

"You are sure?"


I took the globe and looked for a price tag. "I don't see a price tag."

"Everything Christmas related is 50% off until the 24th. That is $25."


After paying for the snow globe, Lawson and I decided that it was best if we left the town as soon as possible. We went to a store and bought some supplies we needed before heading back to the truck to leave.

"You think Maggie would like this?" I asked Lawson.

"If she knows how much you care for her, she'll, at least, acknowledge it."

"Gee, thanks."

We walked around the Aldi and saw two police officers standing near our truck, on their radios.

"Excuse me."

The officers looked at us and put their hands to their guns.

"Move along, " One of them said. "Nothing to see here."

"We would abide by your orders officer, " I said, stopping. "But that is our truck and we need to leave."

The other officer pointed at the truck. "That's your truck?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, that's all we need to hear. You both are under arrest."

They took our bags and handcuffed us.

"On what charges?" Lawson asked.

"Oh, I don't know. How about Arson, robbery, grand theft auto, and a double homicide."

"Hey, " The other cop scolded. "They didn't commit homicide."

"I know, just wanted to say that."

"You got this all wrong!" I yelled. "We didn't do anything!"

"There are thousands of dollars in that stolen truck, and there were two criminals that were behind it all. I beg to differ."

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