Who Is Sarah?

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"That looks like Italian." Lawson read the paper using the truck's headlights. "I can only understand a hand full of words. All I can guess is that it's about a bank robbery. The rest is hard to understand."

I sighed and rested against the truck. My head ached, not only from hitting the roof of the truck when we fell off the bridge but from what Lawson had said earlier that night. He crawled from the front of the truck and sat next to me. Should I ask him now? I think it would be better if I did just that.

"Lawson, can I ask you something?"

He didn't budge.

"Who is Sarah?"

He shook his head and shut his eyes.

I began to stand, until...

"She was my wife." He answered sorrowfully. "Sarah Sigh. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. We even had a little girl, Lacey. I could write a song about her and not be able to finish it because of her pure beauty. The last time I saw them was Christmas eve, ten years ago. Sarah and I had a fight that caused her to leave with Lacey. But soon, a truck was pulling into the freeway and... They died instantly."

I had no idea what to say at that moment. After all that happened, I never paid attention to how Lawson felt. Sure, I wanted to get home as fast as I could, but I was wearing a black veil over my face that was dark enough to not see my own hands or what I was becoming. I was becoming my father. (I would rather not talk about him) I just patted him on the back and said nothing else. He took the kind gesture and stood up.

"I'm going to watch for anyone coming up the road."

I watched him climb up the hill and stand next to the street.

Having no other thought, I checked the time.



It was Christmas eve.

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