Escape From The Motel

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Never in my life had I felt so much fear. I stood there like a statue, staring at the eight leaf plants. On the other side of the room was a table with tools sitting on it. I walked over there and saw what it was. There was a notebook that read Progetti Futuri that had a small Mortar and Pestle that was full of grounded and dried up marijuana inside. In a box next to the table was a box of was half-opened. Inside was something even worse. Bagged cocaine.

I had such a sick feeling at that exact moment. Everything was racing through my head along with all the emotions running around my face, morphing it into something new. I took the notebook and opened it up. Inside were noted in the language the two men were speaking. I couldn't tell what they said, but I found an interesting page. It involved a few pictures that looked familiar. Three to be exact. Two of them were our old friends, Miller and Omar, with the last one being the truck I own. Flipping to the next page, I saw an address for a bank with an amount. $20,000. There was the $20,000 inside our truck. $10,000 in the front seats. When I turned around, one of the men entered the room and saw me. He shouted something in his language and ran to me, holding a knife he took from his coat pocket.

In the heat of the moment, I took the closest to me and hit it against his head. The glass from it shattered when it hit him, making him fall to the ground, unconscious. I couldn't tell what it was, but it reminded me of a flower vase that smelled like pot. I ripped the pages out of the notebook and ran out of the room. Hurrying through the hallway and jumping over the front desk, I practically busted down the door and ran to our freezing 'motel' room. When I opened it, Lawson jumped.

"Lawson! Lawson, get up!" I jumped over my bed and pulled on his arm. "Lawson, we gotta go, now! Get up!"

"Howard, I don't care if you are in a hurry to your precious home. I want to get a full night's rest before anything else happens."

At that moment, a gun was shot that shattered the window.

"HOLY-" Lawson screamed off the bed and fell onto the floor. "What's going on!?"

"Something happened and now we have to go!"

He stood up and took everything he brought from the truck along with some rolls of toilet paper from the bathroom. We ran out of the room and to the truck. The people who owned the motel shot at us, along with the hitchhiker who was with them. Without getting shot, we made it into the truck and drove out of the parking lot. As fast as that truck could go, we sped down the way until we drove across a bridge, where the truck slid off the road and over the side. Both of us screamed until the front of the truck landed on impact. The airbags expanded and hit us before any harm was done. The truck flipped over to the roof, making us dangle upside down with our seatbelts holding us like a noose hanging... Okay, bad example.

We heard the cars of the guys drive over the bridge, leaving us behind as Lawson and I looked at each other, quiet, processing what had just happened.

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