A Christmas Surprise

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Walking away from the scene, Lawson and I were heading toward the direction of Orlando. Without noticing, Nick drove up to us and rolled his window down.

"There you are," He laughed. "I've been looking around for you two."

"That's it!" I said. "Who are you and how do you keep finding us?"

"Me? I don't know who you are."

"Don't give us that, old man," Lawson added. "We are physically and emotionally exhausted from our travels and want answers without the riddles, you hear?"

As Nick and Lawson went back and forth, I noticed something. "Wait! Where's my snow globe?"

Nick suddenly reached to the passenger seat and gave it to me, as well as Lawson's wallet. Then I connected the dots. The truck was red, Nick was an older, fat man, and he kept following us. "Your... Did you slow the truck down?"

He shrugged, but I knew what was going on. Lawson didn't.

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks for everything."

He smiled and drove away, and disappeared into a bunch of sparkles. Lawson looked at me and back at where Nick drove away. I motioned for him to come with me and we continued our journey.


It was dark when we finally arrived at my house. It began to snow when I saw the house for the first time in what felt like forever. I smiled when I saw Maggie talking to our family members about things I might not approve of, but at least I am happy about it.

"Well..." Lawson said, taking my phone and reading the time. "It's midnight. I brought you back home, ten seconds before Christmas."

I took my phone back and looked at him.

"That's my Que." Lawson sighed and raised his hand for me to shake. "I left my phone in the truck back at the convenience store, but I'll get it back. Just be sure to pay me soon."

I shook his hand. "You brought me home, I bought you a truck. I guess that makes us even."

He laughed.

"Farewell, Lawson."

"Right back at you, Howie."

He began to walk down the street to a place I have no clue of. I hurried to the front porch was about to knock on the door, but something stopped me. I suddenly heard Nick's voice whisper into my ear.

"He is doing you a big favor, Might as well give him credit."

I hurried off the porch and ran to Lawson. "Wait!" I called. "Lawson, Wait!"

He stopped and turned around.

"Do want to come inside and celebrate Christmas with us?"

He looked surprised.

"I know how hard your life has been, but I was too big an idiot to notice something. You are homeless."

"You... Know that I'm homeless?"

"Who would drive out to Florida five days before Christmas? No one. You live inside your truck and you travel all over America doing whatever the heck you do, I didn't see it until now."

Lawson shrugged. "I guess it was kind of obvious."

"So, I ask again, will you celebrate Christmas with us?"

Lawson smiled. "That would be nice."

We walked back to the front porch and knocked on the door. Lawson looked nervous. "Would your wife let me stay?"

"I don't think she would care."

A second later, Maggie opened the door and jumped into my arms. "You made it! I can't believe you actually made it!"

She kissed me and looked at Lawson. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Lawson... Uh..."

I've known this man for five days and I have no clue what his last name is. "Lawson, I feel like the worst friend, I don't even know your last name."

"It's Pritchard. Lawson Pritchard."

Maggie looked at Lawson, eyes wide. "Lawson Pritchard?"


Suddenly, Maggie's mom walked into the doorway. "Hold on, did I hear? LAWSON!?"




"WHAT!?" I shouted at them. Then I remember something Lawson said.

"I don't really know women, except one, my sister. I haven't seen her in years, She probably forgot about me. We never saw each other after our parents had a divorce,"

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