chapter 5

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Toni's POV

I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly through my room. I sighed and shut it off. It was 7:30 AM. I groaned,frustrated because I only had 40 minutes to get ready. Which means a pop tart for breakfast today. Yay me!

I quickly brushed my teeth, got dressed and put my homework back in my bag. I quickly pulled on my shoes and ran downstairs. I looked at the clock. 20 minutes wow. That's a new record.

Everyone was in the kitchen moving around. Yep mondays are always like this.

"Jason pass me a pop tart!" I yelled from the front door. He quickly passed me one. I nodded my head and walked out the front door.

"Later mom, later Penelope!" I called.
"Later. Have a good day!" They yelled back. Jason and Cheryl followed after. When i got outside veronica and jughead were just pulling up.

"Hey v, hey jug" I smiled getting in the car. Cheryl had texted me.

Cheryl💋: At lunch maybe we could all sit together?

Me:sure I'll check with jug and v. Jason is just Jason he doesn't care.

Cheryl💋: true. Very true.

Me:see you at school💋😍

Cheryl: see ya😘😍💋

I laughed lightly and put my phone away. Veronica pulled up into the school parking lot. "What are you blushing about?" Veronica teased. I nodded my head.

"Nothing important V" I replied and got out the car.

I walked into the school and went straight to my locker.

"Hey Toni" Jason's voice spoke. "Oh hey J" I laughed. Because we didn't even say hey to each other in the house because we were in a rush.

"Cher said her,Betty and Archie and probably Kevin are sitting with us at lunch today" Jason says. I nodded. "Yep. I feel that we should get them to know each other. Instead of judging a book by its cover" I said. He nodded.

I closed my locker and me and Jason walked to our first period class.

Math class, 1 hour till lunch.

I was jotting down my math notes. When I felt eyes on me. I looked around the classroom and saw a certain redheaded girl staring at me. I took out my phone and started typing.

Me: ya know. There's other things to do than to stare at me. Like um learning???

Cheryl💋: I wasn't staring 😒

Me:of course you weren't

Cheryl💋: Fine. I was, But your just so gorgeous. How can I not???🙄😒

Me:Thanks for the compliment,Beautiful. But seriously pay attention🙄

Cheryl💋:❤. No I'm fine just staring at you💋

Me: what do I need to do to get you to learn???

Cheryl💋: let me take you to pops after school?

I blushed hard at that but I decided to tease her.

Me:ohhh is Cheryl Blossom asking me, Toni Topaz. On a date? *gasp*

Cheryl💋: oh so that's a no??💔

Me: oh no. No it's not. I'd love too.

Cheryl💋:😍😍 you just made me the happiest redheaded girl ever❤❤😘

Me: I do what I can. Seriously learnnnnnn. Ttyl😍

Cheryl💋: Ttyl💋

I shut off my phone and quickly paid my attention to the board.

Cheryl's POV
Lunch time

"Betty. Archie. We're sitting with Toni, Jason, Veronica, And jughead today." I tell the two teenagers. They nodded.

"Since when did you mix with Toni's group?" Archie teases. Betty and Archie already know about my crush on Toni.

"I finally asked her out to pops today." I smirked. Betty squealed. "Ahhhh wait till I tell Kevin he is gonna completely die."

"Tell me what?" Kevin asked. Joining us walking down the hall to the lunch room.

"Choni is in action!" Betty squealed.


"Kevin your gay is showing" I said. He shrugged.

"So what. My fellow gay has a little boo" he said. I rolled my eyes and we entered the lunch room and sat down at Toni's table.

I obviously sat next to Toni. Kevin and Betty next to jughead and veronica. Archie sat next to veronica but in the other side.

"Guys you know Cheryl. That's Betty,Archie, and  Kevin." Toni introduced. They all exchanged waves and nods. I smiled that everyone was getting along.

I can't wait for my date with Toni.

What??? I was bored

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