Chapter 25

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Cheryl's POV

Toni and I entered the student lounge hand-in-hand.

Betty, Veronica, and the rest of the gang were sitting in the chairs.

"Hey, guys." Toni smiled.

"Oh, well, if it isn't the puppy stealers." Betty teased.

"In my defense, we told you that we were taking the puppy." I giggled, sitting on Toni's lap.

"Yeah, you just looked at us, so ha. We aren't dog stealers." Toni added, wrapping her arms around my waist.

Betty rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, Senior year is next year. How's everyone feeling? Thoughts, feelings, Emotions?" Toni asked.

I shrugged, "It's going to be pretty emotional, that's for sure. Since we all will be leaving each other." I said.

"Yeah. And we'll be on our feet making sure our grades are over the top and that we pass finals." Betty said.

"I'm just going to be stressed. With all of the things going on, I'm pretty sure I'd be crazy." V sighed.

We all turned to the girl I was sitting on. "I don't know, I guess I'll be an average teenage girl who will live out her senior year because she has the best of friends and the hottest girlfriend." Toni smirked.

I shook my head making Veronica and Betty laugh.

Toni's POV

I never thought about leaving my friends nor my girlfriend. And once Senior year comes around, I'll just be stuck here, while Cheryl and the others are at College.

It scared me. A lot. Just the thought of not seeing Cheryl after 4 years, it's unsettling.

"TT! This is the 5th time you zoned out! What's going on?" She asked, concerned.

I sighed, shaking my head before going back to my books.

"TT..." She said. I heard the books being pushed to the side as she moved mine and straddled my lap.

She held my chin so I'd be looking into her eyes. "Baby. What's wrong?" Cheryl asked.

I sighed. "I never thought about leaving you after college."

Cheryl sighed of relief. "That's what you worried about?" She asked as she laughed in relief.

"Yeah..." I raised my eyebrows.

"Babe. I'm not going to college. My mom actually got me this small business. So I'd be a business owner. Once I'm done with school, I'd be right here in Riverdale. With you." She smiled, leaning in to kiss me.

I smiled into the kiss as relief washed over me.

She pulled away, "You shouldn't feel that way, Anyways. Aren't you leaving for college?" She asked.

I shook my head. " I would survive there. It's not for me." I shrugged.

"Well, how about you... Become one of my co-workers?" She smirked.

"Sleeping with the co-worker? Hmm." I smirked back.

Cheryl giggled, pushing red hair behind her ear. "But really, TT. How about it? We could run it together. We'd make a great team, wouldn't we?" Cheryl asked.

I smirked at the idea. "Yeah. I like that idea a lot."

"So?" She raised her brow.

"I would love too, babe." I chuckled.

"Yay! You won't regret it." Cheryl smiled, kissing me again.

God, I could get lost in her for days.

Hey guys! 3 more chapters and this will be the end! And no I'm not ending all of my stories. These were drafted so I been was planning the ending. Also, "the nerd and HBIC" will also end soon. Same as "I married a princes" since that one is pretty long lmao. As for my new ones, I will continue those.

Off-limits are also coming to an end since it's not much to write anymore. And "the baby project", that will be discontinued:/ I'm sorry if It seems like I'm just rushing through things, I have school coming back and I just want to make sure you guys have content and finished stories. 💖 love you all, and I hope you understand💖

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