chapter 16

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Cheryl's POV

"So when Toni walks through drop the banner," I instructed Jason. He rolled his eyes with a playful smirk.

"Cher. You told me this over and over." He chuckled, "quit being nervous I'm sure she'll say yes." He reassured.

"I know." I took a deep breath.

"Good." He nodded.

The bell for second period ranged. Toni walked out of her Math classroom.

"Now!" I whispered to Jason.

He pressed the button, A banner that said.

Will you be my girlfriend?

Popped down from the ceiling.

Toni stopped dead in her tracks.

Toni's POV

I looked up at the banner that flew down in front of me.

Cheryl stood under the banner with chocolates and pink roses. I smiled.

Cheryl looked nervous. I walked up to her slowly, everyone was watching.

Once I got to her face I whispered, "Yes."

Cheryl squealed, "She said 'yes!' " Everyone erupted into cheers.

I kissed Cheryl passionately. When I pulled back, Jason came up to us with a happy grin.

"Told you she'd say yes." He chuckled. We rolled our eyes.

"Congratulations guys! I'm gonna head out, Valerie has a doctor's appointment." He said. We waved him off.

I looked back at Cheryl. Everyone was out of the hallway by now.

"Help me with the banner?" She asked. I nodded, taking the banner down.

Jason's POV

"God! What took you so long?" Valerie asked.

"Sorry Val, my sister needed me," I said. She rolled her eyes.

I huffed, this girl always has an attitude.

"Let's just go in," I said, getting up to check into our appointment.

She huffed then complied.

"Valerie brown," I told the lady behind the desk. She nodded, typing the information in.

"Room 282." She pointed.

Me and Valerie I walked into the room.

"Hello, Mrs. Brown. Hello Mr. Blossom. Come have a seat so we could get started." He greeted.

Valerie sat in the chair. He got the ultrasound kit ready.

"Are you excited?" He asked us.

"I'm very excited," Valerie said.

"I guess." I shrugged. I was happy but not too excited about having a kid at 17.

"You'll be excited once the baby's here trust me." He chuckled. I nodded.

"It may be cold." He warned. Valerie nodded.

"Okay. So, This right here is your baby!" He said happily. Valerie wiped tears from her eyes. Me doing the same.

Wow. My child is on that screen.

He moved it again, " my computer senses Two sources." He divulged. Holy shit.

"Wow. Congratulations, your having Twins!" He divulged.

I fainted.

Cheryl's POV

"I'm happy you're my girlfriend." I smiled. Toni hummed in agreement.

We laid cuddled up in my bed.

"Me too. I've been waiting for you to ask. I would've asked but I feel like your the more dominant one." She shrugged.

I laughed, "duh I'm more dominant." I teased.

She rolled her eyes.

My phone ranged, Jason.

"What's up JJ? How was-"

Shut up real quick. Cher, I'm having twins!

"Holy shit! No way really?!"

Why would I lie about this? I fainted.

"Congratulations JJ! I'm happy for you." I smiled. I put him on speaker so Toni could hear.

Twins! I only signed up for one!

"Calm down Jason. I'm sure you'd love them soon as their born. You just gotta man up now. You're about to be a father! To twins! That's a blessing." I tried to soothe him. He groaned.

Ugh, why did I just keep it in my pants!

"That's on you." I chuckled.

Don't tell mom! I want to tell her myself.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Congratulations again! Tell Valerie I said so too."

Okay. Love ya.

"Love ya too!"

He hung up.

"Wow. The blossom genes are really strong." Toni chuckled.

"Yep." I pulled her back into me.

When you try your best but you don't succeed.

Lol just thought of the song in my head

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