chapter 12

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Toni's POV

1 week later
Me and cheryl were making out on my bed when Jason, Bumrushed into my room without knocking.

"What the hell, Jason. Don't you ever knock?" Cheryl says, pulling away from me.

"Well I need to talk to my bestfriend, and I can't do that if your tongue is down her throat." Jason fires back.

"Ugh, whatever, I'll see you later Toni" cheryl pecked my lips on last time, smirking as she leaves the room.

"What was so important, That you had to pussyblock me for?" I asked, annoyed.

"I got valerie brown pregnant!" He whispered shouted. He look so pale.

"What. How. When.....?" I was speechless.

"Well after the party last week me and valerie ended up sleeping together."

"Oh my gush. Jason what are you gonna do?, I-I mean your only 17" I asked. He looked down,ashamed.

"Hey. Tell you what?, we talk to your mom-" I was cut off.

"Hell no. I would die. The fuck?"

"Well we have to. YOU have no choice" I explained. He nodded.

"Well I guess we can talk to her now."  Jason says. I nodded.

"Mom?!" Jason called out for the older redheaded woman.

"What's up?" Penelope walk in.

"I may or may not got valerie Brown pregnant" Jason says. His mom turns paler then ever.

"Jason you should've been careful. Your only 17. YOUR both 17" she rambled.

"Mom I know. I'm sorry" Jason says, very ashamed.

"No need. I'll help take care of the baby. But I'm will not do all, that's yours and Valerie's responsibility." Penelope compromised. Jason nodded.

"Are you gonna tell Julia and Cheryl?" Penelope asked.

"Yes. Cher! Jules!" Jason called.

Cheryl and Julia come running.

"Everything okay I heard someone call" Julia said.

"Jason has something to tell you guys. Go on jay" Penelope said. Jason nodded then gulped.

"You guys are gonna be aunts!" He tried sound be excited. But it just came out ackward as fuck.

"No way! Valerie Brown is having Jason Blossom's baby. Good thing I like girls, i can't get pregnant until i decide to," Cheryl states.

"Cher, sweety, that's not helping" Penelope disciplined.

"Sorry" cheryl looked down, an embarrassed blush oh her face.

"Its fine" Jason half laugh.

"So is valerie going to keep it?" Julia asked.

"Uh, yeah, yeah her parents are gonna help her and homeschool her until the baby is born. So she wont miss any school" Jason explained.

"Well, Congrats JJ" Cheryl smiled. Everyone agreed.

"Toni,your mother will be away for the rest of the week. Your grandparents need her help for the week" Penelope says.

You see my grandmother is sick. And every year. My mom goes to visit for a week, To help my grandpa around the house. So my grandmother can rest. I'm also named after my grandfather, well kinda his name is Antonio. Mine is Antoinette. My father dead of the same disease my grandmother had. Colon cancer, that was the worst year of my life. Me and my dad were very indeed close, literally we were unstoppable.

When he found out he had cancer, I remember crying all week. In school I would pick on people for no reason.  Jason was there through it all, I had a mental break down and Jason held me until I calmed down, I remember isolating myself from him so that way when he passes I wont miss him. But i was wrong i miss him like a bitch. Till this day it still hurts.

"Okay. I'll be fine, she does this every year" I sigh. Cheryl gave me a sympathetic smile.

Yes, she knows about what happened to my dad.

"Okay well, I'm gonna go start supper. Julia wanna help?" Penelope asked, Julia nodded and they both walked out.

"Well. I'm gonna go talk to valerie. Later T, later C" Jason says, walking out.

"God. I'm bored" Cheryl huffed, diving into my bed.

"Movie and cuddle?" I asked, with a cute pout. Which obviously works all the time. I mean have you seen my face I'm cute as fuck, sexy even.

"Ugh.... how can I say no to that face. Of course" Cheryl smiled. I ran and closed the door cuting off the lights, jumping into the bed with Cheryl. Cuddling into her.

She chose Matilda. 

Ahhh what a good way to end the night.

Love ya, happy holidays

Its 3 am and I was bored...... Goodnight!

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