Chapter Twenty Two - Girl's Day Out (part one):

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Kayla's POV:

I woke up with a familiar arm wrapped around me. That's when I remembered all that had happened yesterday. Nathan doing dirty things to me, and Drew and I making love in this vary bed. All these thoughts caused me to feel dizzy, so I turned around and placed my head in the croak of Drew's neck. This action caused him to move around and eventually wake up.

"Good morning lovely." He said in that sexy, sleepy voice.

"Good morning. Say, can we stay like this for the whole day?"

He laughed before saying,"As much as I would love to, we can't. My brother should be home any moment now."

I put my face down in the pillow and started to murmur curse words.

"Oh come on Kayla. Get up."

"I don't want to."

"But you have to. Besides Moe messaged me asking about you."

"What? Why?"

"She's wondering when you, her, and Ginger can have some time together. I think you should hang out with them today."

"Are you just saying this to get me out of the house?"

"Kayla I would love it if you stayed here and spent the whole day with me in this bed."

"Then why can't I?"

"Cause you know Moe is telling the truth. You know you haven't spoken to her in a while and she at least deserves to spend one day with you."

I put my head up and looked at him.

"I hate it when you're right."

"Oh but you love it." He said before giving me a soft kiss and getting out of the bed.

I got up as well and we both stood there, putting on our clothes.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

We were almost done getting dressed. I don't know why all of a sudden but the thought of telling Drew about what Nathan did was all I could think of. I know it's the best thing to do and I should. But still, what will he say or do after I tell him. Only one way to find out.

"Hey Drew... I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Remember how I sounded worried and upset on the phone yesterday?"


"Well something awful happened before I called you. Something I regret letting happen to me."

He walked over to me and placed both his hands on my cheeks.

"What happened to you Kayla?"

I took a deep breath.

"Well you see I got a text message from Tristan yesterday asking me to come over his house. But it turns out it was Nathan's plan to get me over to his house so we could be alone."

Drew removed his hands from my face and began to make fists.

"What did he do to you? If he hurt you, I promise you he won't live to see tomorrow."

"No he didn't hurt me. He did something else. Something dirty.


"He...he fin...fing..."

What I wanted to say wouldn't come out. I mean why would it? I didn't want to remember what he did to me.

"What Kayla? I need to know. You know I will never be mad at you."

I took another deep breath.

"He fingered me."

"HE WHAT?!!"

"I couldn't help it Drew. He had me pinned down to the couch. The only thing I could do was...lay there and let him do what he did."

"Oh I believe you Kayla. What I can't believe is that asshole would go as far as to doing something like that. I can't guarantee that I won't kill him this time."

"At this point I wouldn't care if you did. But please, if you see him at school, wait until after school to kill him. I don't need you starting a fight and getting expelled."

He smiled before leaning in and kissing both my cheeks.

"I'll try."

I smiled at him before replying,"Good. Now I must go considering I have a girl's day out to attend. Love you."

"I love you too. Enjoy your girl's day out."

We leaned in and kissed one more time before I headed out his room door and made my way to the front door.

Drew's POV:

As soon as I heard the front door close, I grabbed my phone. Part of me totally believed every single bit of what Kayla told me. But yet, another still had it's suspicions. I know Nathan is trying to do everything he can to win Kayla back, but I also know Kayla did use to like him. So right now, I don't exactly know which side I'm on. I did know one person I could rely on though. So without wasting any time, I dial that person's number.

"Hey Drew. Kayla just called me and asked if my sister could pick her up. Why are you calling me?"

"I have an issue Moe. Kayla just told me that Nathan came up with this plan to get her alone and fingered her. Half of me believes her, but the other half remembers her having feelings for him in the past. What do I do?"

It was dead silent for a while. But then I heard a sigh and her begin to speak.

"Look, I understand part of you doesn't believe that story. But you do know how crazy Nathan is in the head. He will do anything he thinks will lead him to satisfaction. So if he wants Kayla to be his, you bests believe he is going to find the dirtiest way how."

"Yeah I guess your right. But still I'm pretty iffy about this."

"Okay how's about you continue to be the loving boyfriend you are. I will try and crack this case to see if she's telling the truth. Got it?"

"Got it. Thanks for the help Moe."

"No prob. Now you try and get some relaxation in while I hang out with my best friend who you've been hogging this whole time."

"Oops. Sorry"

"Yeah, whatever. Bye."


And with that, I ended the call. I know I could trust Moe on this. Now let's just hope Kayla was actually telling the truth.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had to split it into two parts because it would have been a long ass chapter. Anyway. So yeah, this book is almost to the end. Not to fear though. I already have the sequel with it's description and book cover finished.

Make sure to vote. That helps me out a lot. And also, comment. Guys I honestly love reading what you guys write. It just makes me so happy and keeps me going.

Until next time...ta ta☺️☺️☺️

Ps: I'm thinking about making a Instagram for my wattpad profile. Comment down below if think I should. Bye! 😉

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