1. The Last Job

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Elfman couldn't believe what was happening.

"You're telling me that there are NO jobs available? At all??" he asked incredulously.

"Well, it's a slow time in the year for jobs," Mira said, as she wiped the counter in the Fairy Tail guild hall.

"I'm sure there must be at least one..." Elfman prodded, desperate.

He couldn't let her know, but he was nearly broke, and Mira's birthday was coming up soon. He needed a job to get her a birthday present that was worthy of a REAL man.

"Actually," Kinana said, coming up behind them, "There is one job..."

"There is?" Elfman asked, perking up.

"Yeah. It's here, somewhere..." She said, rummaging around.

As Kinana looked for the last job left, a certain bespectacled brunette walked up to the counter.

"Hello, Mira. I need a job, now. I've had enough of being cooped up here! I need to travel," Evergreen said, taking a seat right next to Elfman.

"Well, that's a shame, because there is only one job available right now, and it's going to be mine," Elfman said.

Evergreen turned her icy gaze to the huge, brawny man sitting next to her. She opened her fan with a snap of her wrist and looked away.

"I think not. I'm going to take that job," she said, haughtily.

Elfman bristled. He REALLY needed to go on that job. He didn't have time to deal with Evergreen's huge ego.

"We can just both go, okay?" He compromised.

"What? No way! I do jobs with the Thunder Legion, or I do them alone. Definitely not with brutes like you..." Evergreen said, managing to look down her nose at Elfman despite his being a full foot and a half taller than her.

Elfman rolled his eyes. He didn't think he could work with this woman, either. She thought so highly of herself, and had no respect for others. Elfman thought of the Thunder Palace when Laxus and the Thunder Legion had forsaken the bond of friendship with their Fairy Tail guildmates. He shuddered just thinking about it.

Elfman glanced at Evergreen. He remembered his fight with her. He didn't think she would be a particularly hard opponent, but she had taken him down. He looked away. It wasn't a memory he cherished.

"Fine. Your loss," Elfman said.

Kinana finally emerged from under a pile of papers, looking triumphant.

"I found it! The last job available, and it is to go to this rainforest and protect a village that is being attacked by wild animals... Are you feeling up to it, Elfman?"

"Of course! I'm a MAN, aren't I?" Elfman grinned and took the job description from Kinana, thanked her, and got up to leave.

He glanced at Evergreen, who sat unnervingly still, not looking his way. Elfman shrugged. If she was unwilling to come, then it wasn't his problem.

For some reason, as he walked away from her, Elfman felt odd. He felt like something bad was going to happen. It was like he had had a premonition of the future, one that wasn't good. It sent chills down his spine.

What was that all about?

As Elfman tried to shake the feeling off, he felt an arm brush his side.

It was Evergreen.

"Well, since I have nothing better to do, I guess I might as well come..." she said, mumbling.

Elfman tried to hide his smug smile, but it wasn't good enough of an attempt.

"Wipe that smug smile off your face! I'm coming for ME. Not for you," Evergreen snapped, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff.

Elfman tried, but failed, to get rid of the smile. He knew a woman couldn't stay away from a real man like himself. As they walked out of the guild together, Elfman noticed that the feeling he had had, which had faded for a moment when Evergreen joined him, had come back, even stronger than the first time.

Elfman glanced down at the job description on the paper. It seemed harmless enough. Wild beasts? He could take care of those in a heartbeat.

But he couldn't get rid of that pestering feeling that something bad was going to happen.

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