Who's That Stranger...

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Yunlan wake up but shen Wei still sleeping.

Yunlan saw his dad and shen Wei dad kissing , he was smiling inside his room, he knows his dad loves Mr shen.

Now, he can see and it's good that his dad found his love again.

But their paths never made for each other, they both have separated long ago for their mothers.

He came in room, before dresses neatly "hey! Dad what a surprise" said yunlan smiling to both them.

They both jumped from his seats, when yunlan came "oh! Please dad I know you love each other don't be scared and I'm not against it" said yunlan.

They both just smile but then they remembered yezun "Yunlan you have take back yezun before he met someone evil person '' said Mr shen concern to his son.

" okay dad! I will go to find him "said yunlan then he left from his room.

Yunlan was running to roads when he saw yezun sitting alone one Park.

" Yezun!!!! " he shout but yezun can't hear him,he can shout  but again he did not hear.

He run towards him when he saw a stranger came to sit next by yezun and yunlan can feel his energy.

" he's not good, he's evil heart "said yunlan to himself.

Yunlan run to him and when he each, that man disappear from his slight.

Where he gone? Ask yunlan to himself.

He calm yezun and yeah look at him shocked" what  are you doing here? Ask yezun.

Who's that man, sitting here ask yunlan ignoring yezun question.

Why? Are you jealous? Ask yezun while smriking.

Stop this nonsense yezun, he's have evil heart said yunlan to yezun .

Did he talk to you? Did he do something ask yunlan in worried he don't want yezun to became an evil.

"You cared about me yunlan, don't you or you are like others just show sympathy.... I never love someone but I love you yunlan"... Said yezun who's crying now.

"why are scared of me in childhood. I'm not a monster but I don't know how to express my love like my gege, why you always want not me "said yezun crying more.

Yunlan just staring in front of him he can't say anything but he stare at him" I'm sorry yezun but I only love shen Wei  you can find someone more good looking more than me, please forget about me and come home with me "plead yunlan.

When yezun hurd his brother name from. Yunlan mouth, he get up *slapped *yunlan.

Yunlan was shocked but he knew yezun is angry now so he did not said anything.

" Let's go home your mom will worried "said yunlan while taking yezun with him.

Yezun take his hand back then said" he's right you are just cared about him not me, if you can't be mine then you can't be him "

Yunlan just grab his hand again and dragged him to sit in taxi.

" we will talk when we reached home  said yunlan.

They both went silent and then they reached the house.

"you can go, I will going somewhere "said yunlan in cold voice.

Yunlan... I... Said yezun but the car drive away.

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