Chapter Three

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Ellie would be lying if she said she got any sleep that night. Truth was, she was worried. Worried she might be falling for him. They'd only known each other a few hours...but he was just everything Ellie wanted. As she listened to the thunder crash and crackle, she wondered where Daniel might live.Surely, as the son of a hero, he'd live in some luxurious place,quite unlike her home? When he knew who she really was.....well how mad would he be?! Would he tell everyone ? Would he tell Felicity ? Ellie shuddered at the thought of Felicity Holland knowing Sebastian Waller had a daughter.But Sebastian knew Felicity had a son,didn't he ? So what if Felicity already knew about Ellie ? What if this moment she was telling Daniel to stay away from Ivy Williams? Ellie would be in so much trouble if she didnt complete her task and she didnt want to dissapoint her father. Shaking at the thought of it,Ellie climbed out of bed and went down to the kitchen to get a drink. Sipping her apple juice, Ellie Waller walked up the stairs. It wasn't until she was on the top step she heard hurried movements downstairs. She turned around , white as chalk , and bravely stepped downstairs.

"Hello....? Is anyone here ? " she said in hardly more than a whisper.

The house was eerily silent. Ellie decided to put it down to hallucinations when she saw him. A man, about 5 foot, with messy black hair and dark black eyes. Ellie made eye contact with him and screamed.

If Sebastian Waller had been in his bedroom, he wouldnt've got to ellie in time.But luckily, he had been in his study and when he heard his daughter scream, came running out.He saw the man too, and a look of fury crossed his face.

"You! What do you want ?! " he snarled.

"I came to take the girl, as i'm sure you know " the man said calmly.

"YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY ELLIE AWAY FROM ME !" screamed Sebastian losing his temper.

"The girl will be safer,Sebastian.You know this.So do i . Come,Ellie."

Ellie stood frozen to the spot. The man sighed. "Ellie , come ! "

Ellie remembered the mans face now - he was there when everything happened with her mother.

"You took my mother away" she said hardly moving her lips. The man froze.

"You will see her again Ellie,soon.Just come with me"

"NO!" shrieked Ellie, her temper flying up for the first time since her mother was taken away. The backed away.

"You'll be happier, Ellie "

"No i won't....i ... i want to stay with dad."

The man sighed and looked her in the eyes. "Fine,then Ellie. But be warned - you may be expected to do crimes .. and that will get you in trouble. "

He turned on his heel and left. Sebastian looked at his daughter.

"Who was that Father?" she said looking up.

"That was Charles Gregory. He was the leader of the group who took your mother away-" he broke off , and sighed.

"Ellie....i didnt want this to happen.His daughter Georgia... well she's a bit older than you and she joined our side not long ago...he feels betrayed and because of that, he wants to take my family away. I miss Ariella as much as you do. Now go get some sleep ...... you have school tomorrow. "

The next day at school Daniel grabbed her arm.

"Ivy ! Did you hear? Charles Gregory went to take Ellie Waller last night and he failed ! He failed to a teenage girl........" he paused and looked her in the eyes.

"not that all teenage girls are weak....but she's the daughter of sebastian waller. Nobody apart from Charles,Her mother and father know what she looks like. She could be in our class under a different name. I always thought Katherine had a suspicious look about her. Or maybe Jodie?"

"i'm sure that neither of them are Ellie Waller,Daniel.I highly doubt sebastian waller would choose to send his daughter to a public school."

Daniel considered.

"Yeah , maybe your right "

"i know im right." she said smiling. The duo walked to class chatting.

"Ivy..?! Tomorrow would you like to come home with me ? " asked Daniel just before entering the class.

"I'd love to....i'll ask my parents when i get home."

Sebastian Waller was thrilled.

"We find the home of Felicity Waller at last ! Say yes , Ellie ! Don't delay.... " he was positively glowing. Ellie ascended the staircase and sat on her bed to do some homework. Her phone pinged and she saw a message from daniel.

"Hey x What did your parents say ? " read the text.

"It's all cool i can come" she replied

"You sure?"



She started writing about the different continents of the world for georgraphy . About 3 hours later,she yawned and put her homework away for the night and climbed into bed.

She hadn't expected Daniel to figure it out so soon. It was a week after she met his mother and went to his house. They were laughing on a bench , when he looked her in the eyes.

" honest with me.Are you Ellie Waller?!"

"Why do you ask?"

"well..........whenever i speak about the wallers you sort of tense up? and then you change the subject. And my mum.... she reckons you might be ellie. "

" ellie.........but the truth is......i love you and i dont want to lose father would be so mad and hurt us both if i lost contact with you...i dont want you hurt"

"so....your spying on my family?!"

"NO ! "


"i...i WAS spying to begin with- but now im not because i love you."

Daniel paused.

"You love me ?"

She turned to face him.

"yes daniel..and i understand if you dont want me but-" she broke off,surprised. Daniel had just pressed his lips to hers.

"I .. i'm happy now i know the truth ellie, i'm glad i have you...i love you my girlfriend?!"

"Yes ! " she said eagerly.

"Also.....who is your mum?!"

"Ariella.... Ariella Morton."

"My father is Charles.....Gregory."

They looked at each other and kissed again.

"What a day " whispered Ellie.

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