Chapter 4

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Ellie was dreading going home that night. What if her father found out she had broken all 3 rules in one moment? She strolled through the park hand in hand with Daniel , pretending she was fine. But she wasn't. She was worried. Her father had a temper....a very bad temper. Ellie didn't dare think of the punishments he had in store for her if he was to find out.

She wasn't the only one worrying about that night.Daniel was worrying about what Felicity would say.Felicity was worrying about what Sebastian had in mind. Sebastian was worrying that Charles would come take Ellie away. Felicity decided to go find Daniel . Sebastian decided to go find Ellie.

And so it was that half an hour later, the 4 people were all stood in the park. Had you looked from a distance, you'd have thought it was just a normal family. But if you were close, you'd see the despising look on the faces of Felicity Holland and Sebastian Waller. You'd see the tearful look on Ellie Waller's face.And you'd see the worried look on Daniel Holland's face as he put his arm round Ellie.

"Sebastian" said Felicity her voice shaking .

"Felicity" he said , his voice cold.

"To what do i owe the pleasure?" whispered Felicity.

"I came here to find my ellie....and i have "

"There was no ivy , was there Sebastian ? It was always Ellie."

"it was " said Sebastian.

"But Daniel and Ellie don't know the truth, do they ?"

"i'm afraid not"

"The truth? what truth?" asked Ellie confused.

"The truth of how me and your father came to be enemies" said Felicity turning to face her.

Ellie held her breath as Felicity told the story.

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