Chapter 6

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Ellie couldn't help but be happy. Sebastian Waller and Felicity Holland were going to team up and help her.The 15 year old girl was reading some files that might help locate her mother when her boyfriend came and kissed her neck. She'd turned a hero and a villian into friends....wait no not friends.But tolerant of one another.She turned around to face him.

"Hello,Daniel" she said calmly. He grinned at her before saying "i think i know where your mother is. come with me before my mother and your father find us."

Too stupid to realise they were just teenagers and they'd be in a lot of danger, and excited that she may find her mother Ellie agreed.They left the small yet cosy building and Daniel led Ellie down a dark alley way. They walked down several more streets before stopping outside an eerie looking building.Daniel pushed the door open and stepped inside,ellie following.

"Are you sure she'll be here Daniel?" asked Ellie her voice wobbling.

"yeah i am........come on". he led her up the creaky stairs and to just outside a door. He tried the handle.

"locked" he whispered.

Ellie heard a faint moan on the other side of the door. She automatically remembered something her dad always told her. She took her hairpin out of her hair and inserted it into the lock. It clicked open. She rose to her feet , feeling nauseous and scared , yet excited . Together , Ellie and Daniel stepped into the room. It was dark and they could only just see a silhouette. They both took their phones out and turned their flashlights on.

"Mum !" shrieked Ellie running to untie her mother. She dropped to her knees next to Ariella and started untying her. Daniel came running up to her and help.As soon as Ariella was free she automatically hugged Ellie.

"you've much" she whispered , looking up at her daughter.

"Mum...come on.can you stand? daniel, get the door !" Ellie instructed helping her mother stand up.

As soon as they left the building, they found themselves face to face with Charles Gregory. Standing with him was a girl just a few years older than her that she recognised as one of his dads workers.

"Georgia....." said Ellie in hardly a whisper. "please......."

Ariella made to stand in front of ellie , but Georgia produced a gun and pointed it to Ariella.

"Don't move an inch or i shoot" she hissed venomously.

"YOU LIAR ! " screamed Daniel at the same time as Ellie shrieked "YOU PLAYER"

Georgia gave them both a sickly smile.

"Whatever is the matter?" she said in a voice of false concern.

" framed him..he was never framed my dad..." whispered Ellie almost crying.

"but why did he want me to spy on felicity then...if he's not evil?" she added as an afterthought.

"i'll tell you why, you little brat ! because he suspected Felicity had set me up to this ! He believed my father was still with Felicity!"

Thats when Ellie remembered...if Georgia was Charles's daughter...and daniel was his son that meant...

"Your her daughter"

"What?!" snapped Georgia.

"Daniel told me...."

"and i suppose he didnt tell you that me and father have nothing to do with him and mother anymore?" she sneered.

"n-no he didnt"

"as suspected" she moved the gun to face Ellie instead.

"goodbye, Ellie" she whispered preparing to shoot.As she pulled the trigger, Ellie managed to reposition the gun so it was facing....

"JODIE ! MOVE " screamed ellie and daniel but it was too late. The bullet hit Jodie in the chest and she gasped falling backwards. Charles and Georgia made eye contact and ran, leaving the gun behind.

Ariella, Ellie and Daniel ran to Jodie's side.

"Jodie....jodie....jodie can you hear me?!" urged Ellie through tears. Jodie looked up at her .

"goodbye" she whispered in a voice that was barely audible.

Not long after the bullet hit , Jodie died. Daniel went to pick the gun up.

"No! " Ellie shrieked.

They didnt want to , but the 3 of them accepted they would have to leave Jodie behind and left the dark alleyway.

"shall we go let felicity and sebastian know.....or shall we tell that girl's parents?" asked Ariella.Ellie was fumbling with her phone. She let her father know to meet them on Jodie's street. About 15 minutes later, Ellie knocked on their door with sweaty palms. Jodie's mother answered.

"Hello, dear ! A friend of Jodie's i presume ?" she asked.

Ellie nodded slowly.

"oh well come in, Jodie should be home shortly." she said , before noticing Ariella.

"Ariella ?! Oh Ella how i missed you !" she whispered throwing herself onto Ariella.

"I missed you too sis..." whispered Ariella even more quietly.

The woman looked at the group before growing worried.

" jodie o-ok? " she asked.

Daniel shook his head.

"Let us come in Jennifer , we'll explain"

Jennifer opened the door and they sat in the living room with Jodie's father and brother.Ellie explained everything whilst Felicity cried silently. Once she had explained , Jodie's brother stood up and left the room. Sebastian hadn't be a villian. It had been Georgia all this time......


Hiya to my beautiful readers ! I was going to get rid of a main character but sadly i still need them so i killed Jodie instead. They may another death (anyone else hope it's georgia?) in a few chapters !! So what do you think of my twist ? Georgia is Daniel's sister.....but wait a second ? in a past chapter... felicity said she only had one son. Well a lot of my story will be confusing but if you remain loyal to it then yay you ! everything will be explained.


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