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I stood outside the house for minute before Russell walked up to me.

"Are you going to be okay?" He was worried about me. This is the home where my life changed, and I really didn't know if I was ready.

"I had someone come in and redecorate" I laughed to myself knowing how ridiculous that sounds. I payed a women to come in, and redecorate the house in case I came back.

Russell guides my hand that was holding the key to the door knob and turned it. His hand still on top of mine as he twisted the doorknob open.

"I'm going to grab the kids and lay them down. If you need to stand out here for a minute that's okay." I thanked him standing there trying to get the nerve to go in.

Danielle was carried into the house, and then Logan. I was still trying to get the nerve to walk inside.

"Babe I know why you're freaking out." He wrapped his arms around me, and laid his head on mine. "He wanted you to be happy and to find love. He wouldn't have wanted to watch over you sad and alone all these years." I knew he was right, but I felt like I was betraying Taylor. I felt like I was cheating on him.

"We promised the kids they could go to the community center in the morning. Why don't we go in relax and sleep for the night?" I turned in his arms pressing my lips to his.

"I would have been lost without you these last few years" He kissed me back squeezing my butt.

"You're basically my new bestfriend" He snapped his fingers pulling me inside, and locking the door.

My heart stopped while standing in the living room. The memories I've been ignoring for years all flooding back to me. The night after Taylor proposed to me, and he carried me into the house before tossing me onto his bed.

The memories of every I love you he spoke to me. The memory of me clinging to his body.

"I can't go into the room" I choked out holding every tear back, and he laced his fingers with mine.

"I know that's why I laid the kids down in there" I could feel the relief as my chest finally stopped collapsing. "We just need to walk down the hall to the room okay baby" I nodded closing my eyes as he walked us there. I let my fingers graze across the walls it was like you could feel the love.

The room for the kids was so beautiful and the beds were plenty big for them.

Russell's hands went to my jeans, and unbuttoned them for me. His cold fingertips dragging against my warm skin as the jeans pooled at my ankles. He pulled my shirt just to my belly button kissing my hip. My hand entangled in his hair, and he kissed across the band of my underwear.

"Come on baby lets lay down" I bit my lip following his lead. I slid into the bed against the wall, and he laid down next to me. His arm stretched out giving me the chance to place my head on his chest.

"Goodnight" His lips pressed my forehead, and I was quickly drifting to sleep.


No One Has To Know (My Bestfriend's Dad) EDITED Where stories live. Discover now