Four:The Suprise at the party

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Cierra being silly in the bath is one of the best sights I've seen in the whole world I wouldn't even change it for penny.

"Come on baby you're done." I was putting her princess dress on which she looks so cute in, me and Cierra has matching princess dresses she want us to match when she told me she wanted to match with me made my heart melt.

I told Cierra to go help Melissa one of my sisters I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers big family I know my mum is amazing and I don't really have a perfect relationship with my father so I don't really care to much about him.

I took my shower and put my Princess and the frog dress on I decided to do make up and and put my hair up like Tiana's to make Cierra happy that is all that matters to me today is to see her happy and to enjoy her day.

As I was finishing my hair my phone started to ring when I looked at the screen it had Alex name at the top.


"Hey Nolle I was wondering what your daughter likes."


"Oh my friend Max told me that he bumped into you at the party store and asked if I would join him to your daughters birthday party."

"Oh yea she love princess Tiana, Favorite color is green,loves dolls,books,bracelets and other stuff sorry if it was to much information."

"No oh no it was just enough for me."

"Well I got to go goodbye Mr.Rivers."

"Goodbye Nolle by the way you can call me Alex outside of our work place."

I hung the phone up and went to Finish the rest of setting up the party.

There was a ring at the door I look through the peephole to see Alex and Max at the door so I opened it.

"Hi guys come in."

"Where is the birthday girl?" max asked looking around the room for Cierra.

"In the living room playing with her friends and cousin's."

"Great" I smiled while he walked away.

"You look very gorgeous Nolle." His deep sexy voice said behind me making a shiver down my spin.

"Thank you Alex" he grinned while walking away from the door into the living room where everyone is.

"Mummy can we open prewsents now plwease." Cierra asked.

"Yes baby go ahead."

She opened my mother's gift first."it's 4 tickets" she looked confuse.

"Read it sweetheart." My mother told her.

"Mommy it's for Disney land look."

I took the tickets looking at it confused. "Why does it say August 21st that in 3 months and why 4 tickets."

"Because you know why and I would love to be there to and get to be with my granddaughter." She looked at me knowing that we had a talk about me telling Alex that he is Cierra's father.

Cierra was almost done with presents the last one was Max's gift. "It is a barbie house with more dolls and clothes thank youuu" she said saying her 'u' for 30 seconds long while hugging him.

"Is that it baby."

"No" Alex said from the arm chair pulling out a long small box handing it to Cierra.

It's a charm bracelet with a 'C' and 3 little people one boy and two girls, a heart, also Tiana on the bracelet. Where did he get this it's beautiful I'm trying to hold back my tears thinking of how it will be if he was in her life, I don't want her to not have her real father in her life it will probably break her or me see her broken.

"Thank you" she said to Alex I decided to walk away before I start crying.

"Are you okay" I jump in fright from his voice coming from behind me.

"Oh yeah you just scared the living hell outta me." He smiled he really smiled.

"Hey Nolle I have a question"

"Umm shot"

"I want to know is she my daughter"

"Huh what are you talking about." Wow Nolle nice one.

"Is she my daughter I want to know now" he looks kinda angry that I won't tell him I'm scared but of course I give in.

"Yes I'm sorry it's just that you thought of me as your one night stand and I thought if you found out that I was pregnant that you would try and take her away from me or tell me that I need to get an abortion so I was scared okay I didn't want to lose my baby."

"Wow is that what you really think of me." He said with anger in his tone.

"Well first you are Mr.billionaire and that ruins you're reputation to the public if anyone found out plus I was scared." He was about to speak before Cierra came

"Mommy can we cut the cake plewase."

"Yes baby let's go."

I put all four little candles around the number '4' candle on Cierra's cake.

'Happy Birthday to you' everyone sang

Me being silly only to make Ciera laugh by saying cha cha cha at the end of every happy birthday.

"Happy Birthday to You, cha, cha, cha.
Happy Birthday to You, cha, cha, cha.
Happy Birthday Dear Cierra
Happy Birthday to You, cha, cha, cha."

Cierra blew out her candles and I grabbed a cupcake and smashed it lightly all over her face it's a thing my family always do whenever it's someone's birthday I love it.

She started laughing making me smile even more and we all couldn't stop laughing.

I finished cutting the cake when my mum pulled me aside.

"You need to tell him so he knows in the long run it's not only going to hurt you it's going to hurt her more."

"Mum I already talk to him he knows she is his."

"Does he want to be in her life did you ask him that."

"No mother Cierra came before I could ask him."

"Well see if he-" she didn't even finish.

"Hey excuse me May I take Nolle away from you for a little bit."

"No she is all yours." My mother told him.

"Uh hey I wanted to talk you about some things."

"Well first I want to know do you really even want to be in her life which means that if you do you can't just leave us because it will hurt her."

"I know and I'm never leaving you I promise you that with everything in me, but yes I want to be in her life that is why I wanted to tell you that I want you to move In with me so I know that you are safe and everything will be fine and that my daughter is going to be healthy and happy I need to fill the times I wasn't there for her." I just looked at him with wide eyes.

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