Nine: Why?

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"Leave me the hell alone Alex you decided you wanted to miss you're fucking daughter's recital not me so don't talk to me." Alex been bothering me all morning talking about he sorry he shouldn't be telling me that he should be telling Cierra.

"No something came up so stop fucking telling a me if I can't control the fucking world damn." Wow he really talking to me like that uh he is so damn annoying right now.

"And what exactly came up huh Alex what the fuck came up to were you had to miss you're fucking daughter recital after you told her that you are coming please let me know for real Alex just fuck you."

"Babe why are you yelling, what's wrong" Sarah says coming out Alex room in his shirt.

"Nothing go in the room please"

"Hold babe did you tell her yet"

"No now go in the room" he said getting angrier at Sarah.

"Tell me what"

"That we are now engaged" she said smirking I'm just have this feeling in me telling me don't to slap that smirk off her face.

"Wow REALLY ALEX YOU MISS YOU'RE DAUGHTER'S DANCE FOR THIS BITCH wow really just wow" I was yelling so much I didn't realize I woke Cierra up.

I pick up a now fully awoken Cierra "I'm sorry baby I won't yell again okay I'm so sorry. Why did I even say yes to moving in with you if you not gonna 100% be there for her she is suppose to be you're first priority not her." I told him while walking away and going downstairs into the kitchen to feed my daughter.


After dropping Cierra off at her school me and my two best friends Penelope and Rowan went out to the mall to get some things because I need knew stuff for work and I wanted to get Cierra something.

"So how's living with baby daddy" Rowan asked.

Me and Rowan has been friends since high school unlike me and Penelope we've only have been friends since college, but I tell both of them the same thing I don't treat them differently they are closer to me then my other friends and some family, they are like my other sisters.

"Well other then him getting engaged the day of Cierra's recital and missin it nothing much I feel like a stupid fool to think he would actually try hard enough."

"Awe I'm sorry bae he doesn't deserve you or Cierra." Penelope says pull me and Rowan in for a group hug.

"You know what you need" Penelope says lookin between me and Rowan because we know exactly what she going to say."

"Girls night out" we all say at the same time.

"And now you can't say you have to pay someone to watch Cierra and deal with timing and other shit because now you can leave her with Alex make him show you that he really want to be around for the both of you or even if it's just for Cierra cuz honey we gettin turned the fuck up like old time we still young so let the drink come on." We all laugh at how crazy Penelope is.

"Well I'll ask him tonight but if he says no then Imma be so pissed off about then I will have to find someone else but if he says yes then bring DRINK." I said a little to loud that some old lady stared at me in disappointment.

Me and the girls decided to end our little happy off of work day for with some lunch at a little cute not to expensive restaurant.


I just go home and was looking for Alex then found him in his office I knocked before walking in.

"Come in."

"Alex I need you to watch Cierra Saturday and thanks I really appreciate."

"Wow wow were you going and I didn't say if I will or not."

"It's none of you're business but me and my girls wanted to go out."

"How long"

"I don't know why"

"Because I want to know and where at"

"Alex are you going to watch her or not damn but I don't want your slut near her."

"First off she has a name and second Sarah is gonna go to Miami to see her family and some friends and yes I'll watch my daughter"

"Mhm okay thanks" I said exiting his office.

Sorry for taking long to update but hope everyone is ok and is doing fine during this time and are healthy.
I am going to post tomorrow too and so on Because I have the time to after my online class work.
Also if anyone wants to make a new cover for this story please I hate my cover and I can't make anything that's actually good to save my life.😭
Q: Who is you're favorite female artists.
Mine is Pia Mia btw😭😂

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