Chapter 13:Studio

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Today is studio day for me and Cierra she want me to do a mother daughter dance competition at her dance studio so I thought why not take her to were we can get a little help from some people as we walk into the building I'm hit with so many memories from when I use to dance here.

"Is that the Nolle Oh my."

"Hey Avery how you been cutie." I ask with the biggest smile she and I use to do dance together when we was younger she was amazing and so was Nora who also works with Avery but I haven't seen her yet.

"I'm good just working... ohh and this" she says as she picks something up and move from the desk showing me a pretty baby boy in a car seat.

"Awwe how old is he ugh he is so cute and tiny he has your eyes and nose for sure."

"Yep and he has Mike's hair for sure too but he's 4 months and he is so freaking cute."

Mike is Averys fiancé they have been engaged for about 2 or 3 years.

"Of course he is it's my brothers baby it runs in the family like no crazy." A familiar voice say as I look I see that the noise was coming from Nora my other best friend that did dance with me and Avery.

"Damn Nolle you look good but damn girl you don't have a phone or something where  you can't call us." Nora says as she come to hug me.

"I'm so sorry Nor but I've been busy with this little girl and now I have to deal with Alex annoying ass."

"He knows when did you tell him."

"It's a long story girl."

"Well girl you got until someone comes in here to get there kids so talk."

I told them the whole story about how I bumped into Alexander's best Friend Max and laugh at Nora because she always had a crush on Max since college and high school after told them that I told them all about Alex and his little super Model hoe.

"Wow nol he really did that damn I'm sorry girl."

"Yeah same girl." Avery said

"Guys it's fine but I talked to him and he said that he wanted to be more involved and after me and Cierra is done he is going to pick her up so they can have a day together and chill."

"And that what he needs to do he doesn't need to put that trick before his daughter that might be his only daughter who know that trick he is with might not be able to have kids or a girl at that she might only be able to have boys or she might not even want kids the way you made her sound she sounds like all she care about is fame, money, attention and her body so that make me think she wouldn't even want to have kids and you know how them snobby rich bitches be sis."

Nora kept going on about what she thought and I listen it's good to get other people's opinion sometimes because it helps you see things from a different light of perspective and understand another side instead for your own and piece together the pros and cons of the conversation or whatever it is that you are think of.

"Yeah well I do have favor to ask."

"Sure what is it you know I'll do anything for you."

Can me and Cierra borrow a room for a couple hours she has a mommy and me dance competition at her dance studio which will be her last time there because it is so far away I have to drive about an hour there and they are raising their price up a little to high and I'm definitely not asking Alex for money plus I'm tired of going there when I know my girls have there own studio she can go to and I get to keep in contact with you to beauties."

"Of course and we definitely are willing to take Cierra and maybe in your free time you can be a dance teacher here for fun."

"Bet I will for sure do that you know I lobe to dance but imma have to get my grove back I have Dance in years and I do little tiny things but not crazy."

Me and Cierra been practicing our routines for 3 hour we were finishing the dance up when a knock let us know someone was in the door way.

"Well hello Alex we are almost done the you can take her and spend your Quality time together."

"Alright" was all he said

Me and Cierra went full out because she really want to show Alex what she has done so far after we was done she went to get her jacket and shoes and Alex helps her put them on while I do a little more of the routine that we haven't gotten to yet.

"You always was so good at dancing why don't you do it anymore."

"Thank you and I don't always have time to I have work then I have to pick Cierra up and take her to dance which is an hour away also i am switching her dance studio I don't want to keep driving that far when I could just come here and I also get to be around my other girls again."

"Oh yeah Avery and Nora I think Nora doesn't like me anymore she just kept giving me these face as if she was going or kill me or something."

"Yeah well she knows about the stuff that's been going on sooooo yeah that probably why she is acting like that."

"you told them all our business."

"It's not really you're business I told them about what me and Cierra has been doing through and what's going on in my life not in yours except I told them about your terrible whore how I hope you don't have around my daughter."

"First off our daughter and no she is out shopping with her friends then she's going to the spa because she said she needs a girls night."

"Oh well goodbye baby mommy will see you at home she going to go do some errands then we can have our own little movie night okay." Told her as we were walking to Alex car which he parked right next to mine.

"Okay mommy bye I lowve you."

"Awe bye bye baby I love you tooo."

Sooooo Hi I said imma try and be active here this is the next chapter but I also want to make this a choice for other people to decide because I don't even know when I want to do it but I wanted to see something I've been working on another story lately and I wanted to know when should I put out the first chapter to it.

I also hope everyone one is safe and health and have an amazing day or night.😭🥺🦋💕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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