Eight: Recital day

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"Cierra come on sweetheart we go to go before we are late." As I was putting flats on I feel someone staring daggers at my back.

I turn around to see the wicked witch herself Sarah "awwe you and your brat is finally leaving well we won't miss you but one thing before you go stay ways from Alex he don't want you."

"First off if I want Alex I could have him by now and second we aren't leave cierra has a dance recital. Dumb bitch." I said the last part under my breath

"Mummy is daddy coming too" cierra walks in holding her father's hand "coming to what cierra" he asked looking confused.

"Cierra has a recital today for her dance class." Sarah rolling her eye but she might want to stop before I make them stay there "well honey we are going to be busy sorry cierra maybe you're father could come next time."
oh I might just jump over this damn kitchen table and beat her ass.

"What time is it I'm gonna try to make it okay I would never miss it for the world."

"It's at 7:00 please remember."

"I will bye sweetie"

"Bye daddy"

"Bye Alex see ya later okay."

Awe my angle was doing amazing she doing contemporary dance which is so beautiful.

She has 2 group dances and then she has her own little solo it was such an angelic and sweet dance I almost cried because she was dancing to....

It's almost over and I still haven't seen Alex or his whore of a so called girlfriend I should have knew he wasn't coming after 67 messages and 22 calls and he still never answered.

"Awe my baby did so good I'm so proud how'd it feel today honey were you nervous or scared I hope not but you looked like you had amazing time with the rest of the girls for the group dances."

"Mummy I'm fine where is daddy." Cierra asked looking around for Alex.

"I don't know sweetheart maybe he had to leave early or he was very busy but he try to come I'm sure of it, okay so where do you want to go for the amazing performance you put on."

"I want to go to pizzascone." Pizzascone is an ice cream and pizza place not to far from where we are staying.

"Ok my love anything for my princess that will forever be my princess." I told and seen her face lit up like crazy.

Cierra and I got pepperoni pizza then after we got ice cream as her treat Cierra got mermaid and cookie'n cream ice cream with nerds and Caramel with marshmallows and sprinkles on top all I got was vanilla and rainbow sherbet ice cream with nerds,caramel and marshmallows and sprinkles like Cierra.

Cierra wanted to take a swim in the indoor swimming pool I told only for a little bit then she would have to take her bath for the night, I only decided to have a little swim party with it being just me and her only because I want to cheer her up I always want my baby to be happy.

We heard a car pull up and I wanted to get out before Alex comes because now I'm pissed off with him for promising something to Cierra and not keeping it.

"Come on baby it bath time we even get to use a bath bomb you're choosing of any one that's in the basket."

"yay bath time and mummy will read me a story after for bed." She looks up at me with her gorgeous hazel eyes that make me melt ever time looking at them just like her father.

After Cierra's bath I tucked her in to bed and started to read the princess and the frog until she's fast asleep before I left her room.

"Goodnight my baby" i kissed her on her forehead and headed straight to my room avoiding Alex for the night.

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