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I came back to reality with a drop of salty water onto the end of my nose, I opened my eyes to see Zeke's tear streaked face above me.

Why was he crying? What happend?

Oh... Well done me.

I flicked my eyes around as I couldn't seem to move my neck.

Next to Zeke was Uri looking equally as devastated, next to him the George guy I met this morning, opposite him was Four and opposite Zeke was Gabe, all looking very worried.

Behind them I could see a crowd of people gathered around, most looking worried and some even scared.

I muttered 'Well I can tick try to be inconspicuous and fail miserable off my check list'
Causing all the boys to give small smirks that vanished quickly as I whimpered from the small exertion.

'We need to get you inside, Tris.' Zeke murmured to me edging his hands under my shoulders, making me involentarily flinch.

I knew they needed to move me so I gave an affirmitive grunt then said quietly 'But I can't move or control my... well anything really, so how can I help?'

I saw two more tears streak down Zekes' face to land, now, on my forehead. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't do anything to help.

'I'm fine.' I spoke to Zeke, trying to be reasuring 'I'll be up in no time and able to kick your ass once more!'
I got a weak smile in responce but it was more than I'd hoped for.

Gabe suddenly spoke 'we'll do it on three! Okay?' And he recieved an 'mmh-hm'

I gritted my teeth
I clenched my eyes shut

An all mighty pain ripped through my body, as the 5 boys hauled my limp figure into the air, and I let out a scream of pain causing many to cover their ears and turn away, and Zeke and Uri to start shaking with sobs.

This only made the pain worse as, at their shoulder height, I began to weep from the pain.

George ,whose brow was creased with sadness and worry, seemed to know that the sobs were making it worse and gently said 'Guys I'm sorry but you need to pull yourselves together; the movement is only making it worse for her... I think...'

Zeke nodded and hiccupped his way into stillness while Uri relinquished his possition to Will.
Gradually my crying died down and by the time we were at the first door to the hall I only gritted my teeth and spasmed in pain.

Once inside, a few teachers ushered us to the nurses office.
In the hall I kept hearing a pitter patter and wasn't sure if it was raining so I decided to ask the gentle murmuring around me
'Hey, is that sound rain?'
And with that silence took over, making the movement feel like a funeral presession.

Finally Will said 'No Tris. You're bleeding, a lot...'
Again, silence swallowed us but now I felt awkward so broke it with 'Aw shit, sorry I'm not due a period for a few weeks!' I grinned at the boys causing them all to snort, I covered up the flinch well enough, and even the teachers smiled.

---------------------(time skip)--------------------

Once we had gotten to the nurses office a pair of paramedics came out to help, though I was now feeling dizzy I didn't say anything, I clenched my teeth to muffle my groans as they helped me to a bed.

I was suddenly very tired so mumbled a 'night' and went out like a light to Zeke saying something but all I caught was 'AWAKE!' then nothing.

------------------(Time skip)----------------------

I came round in the same office I was when I fell asleep.
The only exception was no students were here, only a group of blue cloaked people and a bunch of equipment around me.

I looked through a window to the hall and saw a lot of chairs with the football team and some others, including Zeke and Uri, waiting and talking.

I tested my legs and saw that I could move them, then one after anther I found I could controll my body again.
I swung my legs around and planted them on the icy floor.
At some point when I was unconcious my shoes were taken somewhere.

I was just standing as Zeke called out 'Tri, don't! You're goin-'
But I was already on the ground, from a strong bout of nausea, retching.

Uri and Zeke burst through the doors, each grabbed an arm and hauled me back onto the bed. Looks like the blue clad people hadn't given a damn

I took a breath then said 'Help me up please, I don't want to be late again.'
The door was open and I could hear people saying I should take my time but I ignored them.
I stared point blank at my brothers as Uri started to refues.
Zeke sighed and laid a hand on Uriah's shoulder saying 'She's going to do it anyway, we might as well keep her upright.'

I smirked and hooked my hands in the crooks of their arms and dragged myself up with a grunt, making sure to let no pain slip through my facade.

I had taken a few sickening steps when Uri asked 'Are you sure you don't want to lie down? You're very pale!'
I shook my head then retched nothing but air on a pair of wobbly legs.

I sat down on the floor with some help from my brothers and surveyed them.

'God! Just because I always do the washing does not mean I'm cleaning those!' I laughed pointing at Zekes trousers and shirt.

'It's your blood, so it means... you are!' Zeke teased, I hope, glancing at the sticky, red mass on his clothes.

'Urgh! It's clotting!' Shrieked Uri, jumping backwards.

With the boys away I slowly got up carefully without any help.
I just got two looks of absolute exasperation so I walked towards the door spun on my heel then gave jazz hands to my beloved brothers.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and, on instinct, I grabbed it and pulled them over my shoulder to land on their back on the floor gasping.
I didn't manage to see who they were as I fell to my knees in an instant, breathing hard and trying not to be sick.

Zeke crouched next to me and offered an arm but I shook my head and stood up, I had humiliated myself enough.
I took one last steadying breath and took the scene in.

A familiar figure was on the floor, thanks to yours truely, and the team were laughing their heads off.
But recognition didn't come till Zeke stepped up to the figure and, offering him the arm I'd refused, hauled him to his feet saying 'Dude she's not meant to be exerting herself!' He scolded, with a massive grin on, making it feel more like a joke than anything.
He then added 'Ha! She can still mess you up at her weak moments!' And he fell on the floor laughing.

Four was dazed but turned to me and muttered a 'glad you're not dead' then stomped out of the room.

I turned and looked at Zeke who just shrugged and dragged me into the hall.

After he'd finshed 'celebrating' I asked the time and got ready for my next lesson with stitches and bandages on my head like a hat and a nice hand-shaped bruise on my arm. But no cut, which confused me to no end.

At the end of the day I hurried to my car, trying to get out before many, but I had to wait for my brothers, great!

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