Time of Decision

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'Hey, hey, I have a surprise for you.', Ben greeted me at the door, his eyes glowing with excitement. He had sports clothes on, apparently had just been working out.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

'Oh not again!'

'You're free tonight?'

He didn't even listen to my comments.

'Actually, I wanted to do a movie evening with Cosi...'

'Oh, oh no problem, she can come to. We're going at half past six, so be ready then.'

Smiling from one ear to the other he went to the bathroom.

I sighed and called Cosima, but she was fine with it.

'But what about that thing...'

'Oh don't worry you can still tell him tomorrow. Don't ruin that evening for him. We have enough time left!'


I actually wasn't sure whether to be relieved or even more scared of it, the longer I waited. But I knew it wouldn't be good that night...

The car stopped in front of a nice house with a big garden. It looked like it had been taken out of a fairytale. A cool evening wind greeted us with the sound of dogs barking and kids laughing behind some hedges.

A – in comparison to Benedict – pretty short guy came out of the house and greeted Ben with a hug. Then he turned to us. I just stood there. Frozen.

This is Martin Freeman, oh my god!

I didn't even know why I was so shocked. I was living with Benedict Cumberbatch all the time who was as big a star as Martin, but everything seemed to hit me just now. Seeing the two Sherlock-Stars together suddenly made me realize that the nightmare I thought my life was when I first met Ben, actually included a pretty awesome dream. Cosima pinched me as if she had guessed my thoughts. That was when I noticed that Martin was shaking my hand, looking up expectantly.

It's no dream – it's real! I'm sure he just introduced himself. So give him a bloody answer!,my head shouted at me.

'Hi I'm Kira', I hurried to say, before it could get weird. He smiled and turned to Cosima who stayed pretty relaxed.

'I'm Cosima', she said with an overwhelming smile.

In the next second I found myself in the arms of a short-haired woman who seemed to me to have the nicest voice I've ever heard.

'I'm Amanda. It's lovely to finally meet you!'

We smiled at each other and I liked her immediately.

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