92. Hearts

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"It'll be fine...don't stress over it too much!"

I felt my best friend's hand over my shoulder and I had to smile as I walked them into their car.

They planned to wait for Pete to come back but it was almost midnight and the jerk is still not home and White had to fly to Yala with Mund for a documentary they're shooting.

"The moment your boyfriend comes back, you tell him my verbal leave of absence first, okay?"

I chuckled at Mund.

One more reason they planned on staying is for Mund to ask Pete for a day off.

"Why don't you just resign and work full time with White? You're ripping Pete off I don't approve!"

I joked right back momentarily de stressing myself.

"Tsk! I wouldn't risk being unemployed. Your best friend is so stingy he's not sure to hire me!"

I chuckled as White pushed Mund away.

"Oh, shut up! Just get the car!"

I shook my head when Mund readily followed White and my best friend and I were left alone.

"It will be alright."

White assured me after a while.

"I hope so."

I groaned in frustration.

"Oiii, White! Why is this so hard!?! It wasn't the case back then when I was dating left and right! Por never said anything against it. And now, just when I'm trying to make this thing with Pete work, he's up on my tail and won't even let me rest! Should I just go back to dating girls? What do you think!?!"

My best friend chuckled with my whining which in turn earned me a flick on the head.

"You only do that if you want Pete to be a serial killer preying on your left and right dates!"

I snickered and shook my head.

"I seriously can't believe I'm as stressed as I am now just because I'm dating!"

I felt White's hands on either side of my shoulders before he pulled me to face him.

"I also can't believe I'm saying this but...bud, as long as you're following your heart, you're on the right track. Just don't give up. You've come this far now, go even further. With Pete that is. Uncle would definitely come around."

I smiled at my bestfriend.

The genuine kind.

He's a handful most of the time but he can really be charming if he wants to and I guess he made his choice tonight.

"Thank you. I hope you're right."

White patted me on my shoulder yet again.

"I am. Eventually."

We both chuckled and somehow, I felt a little fine.

"I will call you tomorrow okay? For now, I need to go home and prepare for the trip."

I nodded and waved at him as well as at Mund who's got the car ready.

"Take care you guys!"

They waved back and drove away leaving me by the gate.

I heaved a deep sigh before I closed the gate hoping that Pete will be home soon.

I didn't know when did I start to worry for someone this way but I did and it wasn't really a fun feeling to be honest.

You Belong With Me: A PeteKao FanficWhere stories live. Discover now