112. Intern

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I heaved an annoyed sigh before I glanced at my boyfriend who asked about the caller and showed him the phone screen before I put the call on speaker.

I need to chill.

I should be chill.

"Oh, Nong! What's up?"

I had to stop my eyes from rolling with how fast the other person replied.

"P! Good morning. I hope you're not busy."

He very well know my boyfriend is driving!

"P, So, someone from the client company wanted to talk to you about the materials for the rooftop. I already explained everything to him but he wanted to talk to someone from the office that's why I called you."

I wonder if he really did explain.

"Isn't P'Pom in there?"

Pete meant one of their senior engineers.

"He's busy with the orders at the moment, he can't be bothered."

I rolled my eyes again it's actually starting to hurt.

"Can the client wait for him when he's available?"

My boyfriend glanced at me.

He looked like he thought I'm annoyed at him.

"He's got another appointment he said. P, we can't proceed with it if he can't talk to you. Besides, we have some concerns with the patio so it would really be helpful if you could come."

My boyfriend looked at me for approval and I just had to roll my eyes again before I nodded.

As if I had a choice.

"I love you."

He mouthed before he went back to his caller and I couldn't help but smile.


"Okay, I'll be there in a few."

I could almost see that intern's ear splitting grin.

"Nice! See you P!"

My boyfriend handed me his phone back which I put inside my canvas bag.

"Who's that?"

I asked after a while.

I pretty know who it was but I needed to calm myself from the annoyance that's slowly creeping in that's why I asked my boyfriend.

"Mo. I think. Or Mong. I'm not sure. But he's an intern. His from a family of big shot builders in Chiang Mai. Why do you ask?"

I shrugged.

"He good?"

My boyfriend shrugged the same.

"Yeah. I mean, he's smart. Easy to catch up. Just needed to work on his people skills. But he's young. He'll definitely learn."

I nodded.

Not that I agreed with what my boyfriend said.

But because I can't and don't want to tell my boyfriend how I am really not fond of his young intern.

Aside from the fact that the youngster is obviously crushing on my boyfriend, the dude has some shvtty attitude towards me as well.

If I'm not mistaken, right after we were introduced that time in Pete's office, we had met each other twice at the company-at the maze and in an empty elevator.

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