Chapter 2

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Surprise, it continues


Seven Months Later

Not a word from John. I sent him a letter not long ago, telling him I found out the gender of OUR child. Seems like he didn't care about his daughter.

Whilst her father may not want anything to do with us, luckily, I've found someone who does. Brad. We met at a new years eve party, and he's been the sweetest. He doesn't exactly know who the father is, but I'm going to tell him tonight. He's made a few jokes bout it "being someone famous." Little does he know.

He should be on his way home from work now. Unlike, someone I don't care to mention, he holds what I consider to be a normal job in a school as a maths teacher.

Ever since we got together, he's cared for my every need. He's played every part the loving boyfriend. When I'm feeling under the weather, he'll cook dinner, despite being exhausted from work. He'll rub my back when it aches and has to been to every scan, appointment and class. He's been more of a father to my daughter than John has, and she's not even born yet.

I'm dragged out my thoughts by the sound of Brad's key turning in the door. I ease myself up off the chair, supporting my swollen belly.

"Hey baby, I'm home!" He calls, dropping his satchel and rushing to embrace me.

"Hello, darling." I greet, smooching him.

"How was your day?" He asks genuinely.

"I should be asking you!" I laugh, holding his arms and swinging them cheerfully.

"Oh mine was alright. Better now I'm with you though!" He beams, letting go of me and heading to the kitchen to brew some coffee.

"Coffee?" Brad calls.

"Er, no thanks. Could I-I have a word please?" I stutter, nervous of how he'll react. I'd played it out in my head that he'd up and leave me for being such a whore, but despite only being eight or so months ago, I was young and naieve.

Emerging from the kitchen, he looks at me with a worried expression. Rushing towards me, he asks:

"It's not the baby is it?"

"No! No! Well...kind of. Come and sit down."

I guide him into the sitting room and hold his hand as he perches nervously on the edge of his seat.

"So I told you about how...this happened." I say, nodding to my stomach. He nods, eyes going wide like a little puppy.

"Well, and don't get angry, but I didn't quite tell you the whole truth."

Brows furrowing in confusion, he squints his eyes in confusion.

"It wasn't an ex boyfriend who upped and left when he found out. She's from a two week affair, with a high up person."

Brad looks to his lap, and lets go of my hands. The simple action makes me think the worst. He does think I slept around, and he's going to leave now. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks, and I can't hold them back.

"Do you know who's it is?"

I nod, biting my lip. He gestures me to go on and tell him.

"John Lennon."

He exhales loudly, and leans back against the sofa, eyes clenched shut. I'm near sobbing now, and I've prepared myself for his figure to breeze past me and walk through the front door, never to come back.

"And you're sure?"

"Yes. He's the only person I slept with that entire year."

Brad nods again.

"Okay." Brad half smiles, not angry at all.


"Fine. Doesn't really make a difference does it? Whose she is or how she got there."

My mouth upturns into a smile, and I leap (as best I can,) into his arms. Brad nearly falls back, but he holds me and strokes my hair.

"Thank you." I whisper, loud enough so he can hear.

"What for? Why are you crying you silly girl?" Brad asks jokingly.

"Ugh, it's stupid." I start, snuffling. "I thought you were going to leave me or something." I giggle.

"Now, why would I do that?" He asks, brushing my fringe out my eyes. "If anything, it makes me want to stick around more. She'll be worth millions. Might inherit something." He winks, joking.

I push his chest playfully and he leans down and kisses me, slowly but deeply. I push myself up, not detaching my mouth from his. Brad holds onto my waist, unable to reach all the way round because of the baby. Just as things are beginning to heat up, he comments:

"I would carry you to the bedroom, but I don't think I can lift the both of you." He chuckles.

I respond by standing up, grabbing his tie and pulling him to the bedroom.


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