"Zoe!" Maria called out to her best friend. "Heya, Zoe!"

"Oh, hi, Mar," Zoe was sure it was obvious that she didn't care, that it looked like she wanted to get out.

"So, can you send me a picture of the vocabulary list? Somehow it got lost, and, I'm not sure..." the young girl trailed off, looking in her bag once again for the slip of paper.

"Yeah, sure. I'll do it tonight. I have to go to Physics," Zoe told her, a small promise, if you will, as she walked off.

Maria sighed, "Well, it was something." She was concerned for her friend. Zoe had changed this past year. She started out with rosy cheeks, and a whirlpool of green blue eyes. Her hair was shiny and soft and curled the tiniest bit in towards the bottom. She used to hold herself up high, she held herself with pride that would surely get her into trouble.

And her smile, Zoe's smile was contagious. The smallest things would make her smile. Whenever she finished her current book she was reading, when her mom would write a note on a napkin and sneak it into her lunchbox, when she got a text from literally anyone.

Over the summer something changed. Something had to have happened to make her friend slouch a little bit, to make the light in her eyes go dull. To make her skin go gray. To make her hair rough... To make her smile disappear.

Something did happen. Over the summer, she had gotten into more fights with her dad than all of the other trips combined. Over the summer, her dad called her and her mother an inconvenience. Over that summer, was when the thoughts began.

You shouldn't exist.

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