Trigger Warning for those sensitive to content dealing with suicide. Please be safe, I'm here if you need to talk.

December 14th, 2018. 8:57 PM.

Zoe's phone rang while she was brushing out her hair. The contact said Walter, one of her particularly close friends, so of course she answered it.

"What's up, Walter?"

There was no words from him. Only violent sobs and ragged breathing.

"Walter, Walter?" Zoe questioned, concerned. "Fuck, Walter!" She opened her window and climbed onto a tree branch next to the house. "Stay on the phone, Walter! Do not do anything!"

She listened to his heavy breathing, as she ran a few blocks down to her friends house. She knew he wouldn't be inside, he was never inside. He wanted away from his parents as much as possible. Climbing over the fence and into the backyard, to his treehouse. The icy cold snow, burned her bare feet.

"Walter! Walter, I'm here!" She climbed up the latter to see him standing in a chair with a noose hanging from the ceiling. He dropped his phone, and fell off the chair. Zoe caught him and broke his fall. The noose wasn't around his neck. "Thank, god!" She muttered to herself.

She just rocked him as he cried in her arms.

"I... ry... no... I'm... coul... n..."

"Shh, shh. I have you, you're safe. You're safe. I'm here."

"Zoe," he whispered her name, it was hardly audible. "Zoe, I... I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize, you're okay."

That night Zoe and Walter sat in the treehouse all night, she rocked him till he was calm. When he fell asleep, she sadly smiled and said three words to him: I'm sorry.

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