"No!" She shrieked, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Dear, it couldn't have been helped. You didn't exist, he didn't know you, if he didn't know you, how could he have called you? How could you have saved him?"

"This is my fault. He was in pain. He didn't have anyone! I could've saved him! God, if I hadn't been so selfish!" Zoe turned and kicked a locker. She kicked it two times, and pounded her fist on it once. She slid down and sat with her face buried in her knees, weeping.

Zoe forced herself up and ran to the band hall, into a practice room, and locking the door. She sat down on the bench in front of the piano, and slammed her hands down in it, creating a clashing noise as more tears rolled down her face.

It was silent. Her breathing slowed, and she gently placed her hands on the keys. She thought of the time Walter have her the sheet music of the Up Theme for her birthday. She played the first couple notes, and sighed. Standing up and walking out, she headed to where she left Lucille.

"I think... I understand now." Zoe's mind was racing. She might've understood now, but there weren't really cohesive thoughts that she could string together. Like a puzzle with missing pieces, but you still got the whole picture. 

Not only was her mind racing, but her heart was too. She could feel her blood pumping in her, her palms were sweaty and she was light headed. But for the first time, in a long time,  she felt a little at ease. She felt like the storm that had been raging in her for the past couple months, the anger that had been manifesting; the storm had finally calmed. It was peaceful.

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