Zoe swiftly turned around to see an older woman. She had crows feet at the corners of her eyes, and her brown eyes were big and round due to large, thick rimmed glasses. Her back was hunched over ever so slightly, and her heels were together into a small first position.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't mean to ruin your night, too," Zoe muttered.

"Ruin my night? Oh, of course not, dear. Why don't you sit down and tell me what's going on? You're breathing awfully hard, can't have you passing out now."

Zoe moved to sit down on the bench, next to the woman. After a few minutes of silence, Zoe told her.

"I just wish I wasn't born."

The woman sadly smiled. "No, dear, nothing would've happened had you not been born."

"Exactly my point," Zoe snapped.

"No, you don't understand." The woman placed her fingertips on Zoe's forehead. She suddenly felt sleepy, but quickly snapped out of it.

"What was that for?"

"I'm showing you what it would be like if you never existed."

"So you put your hands all over my face," she skeptically said.

"Dear, sometimes learning requires believing. Trusting."

"How do I know you aren't going to kidnap me or rob me or something?"

"Trust. You see, you're now in a world where you were never born. You don't have an identity. Nobody knows who you are, but I can help you."

"You need help," Zoe stood up and walked back to her house. She got to the doorstep, and tried to open the door handle. It was locked. "The fuck?"

The door opened to reveal an older man with a scowl on his face. Zoe's taken aback.

"Who the hell are you?"

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