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Lucille and Zoe arrived at the pond and sat down at the bench.

Zoe took a few deep breaths and finally said, "I'm ready."

"And Dear, I know life can feel small at times, but just work a little bit more, wait. It's just down the road."

Lucille places her hands on Zoe's forehead, she closed her eyes.

When she opened them it was drizzling and Lucille was gone. Zoe ran to her house and opened the door. To her relief, her parents were talking, worriedly, asking each other what to do. It was like she had just left.

"Mom! Dad! I'm here! I'm sorry," she rushed over to her parents hugging them. They shared the embrace.

"Zoe!" Her siblings yelled and ran down the stairs.

"I... I just was overwhelmed, and I didn't know what to do."

"We know," her mom whispered.

"Mom, I know I just got back, but I have to talk to Walter."

Zoe walked back out the door, and jogged to his house.

"Walter!" She called out. A LED light shined from the backyard. She headed back there and scaled the treehouse as fast as she could. He was sitting in a chair with a book, a blanket, and a heater.

She tackled him into a hug, and squeezed him. He tapped her back, asking her to let go a little bit.

"Walter! I'm so sorry! I am always here for you, and I'm sorry I haven't been there, you've  changed my life. I couldn't ask for a better friend. Don't ever leave me."

"Zoe, hey, are you okay?" He asked her with concern.

"I just, I really appreciate you and I don't ever want to leave you."

He rubbed her back, they just shared the moment. Just as they pulled apart, Maria entered the scene.

"Maria!" Zoe moved to her other compadre. "I just can't fit into words how much I care and love you guys."

"That's okay," Maria said to her, "when I find words failing I normally walk away, but you can just hug us." Zoe laughed and pulled her friends close. she needed them just as much as they needed her, and it was okay. 

Spark of JoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ