Zoe and the woman, whose name she learned was Lucille, had walked to the school, talking about small things.

"Zoe, why do you wish you'd never exist?"

Zoe thought, trying to put together an answer that would make sense.

"I feel useless, like, my mom is so stressed and I'd be one less mouth to feed. My biological dad never wished I was born as well. I'm a bitch to my friends and cause nothing but inconvenience. Things would be better if I weren't here.

"And I know my life is wonderful, and I'm so lucky, but it doesn't feel that way. I'm supposed to count my blessings and be happy, cause people have worse. I should be thankful."

"Dear, you can't compare orange juice and milk, it doesn't work like that. Some people like orange juice and don't like milk, some people think milk is better and don't like orange juice. They're different.

"It's the same thing with life. You can't compare your experience to others because you have a different pain tolerance, you have gone through different things than others. You are your own person."

They arrived at the school, and a trembling noise came over from all around.

"What was that?"

"Go inside the school and see."

"It's after hours though."

"Oh for the Father's sake, don't be stubborn for once and just do it," Lucille cried, throwing her hands up, and opening the main entrance. Zoe quickly followed behind.

"Everyone's... here?"

"Everyone, except you."

Maria bumped into Zoe, and a frantic look came over her.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I should've been looking where I was going, I'm sorry," Maria rushed out, panicked.

"Maria, it's just me, I thought you were over this?"

"What do you... wait, how do you know my name?"

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