Chapter 3: The Shield Hero's sidekick.

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It had been a week since Bakugou had been labeled as a rapist by the King's court and it had been a rough one, hardly any person would look at him with a straight face and are unwilling to talk to him.

He has mostly stayed out of civilization and spent most of his time finding any monsters to kill and finding any abandoned dungeon to gain and learn new skills and shields. He had been mostly self-sufficient. With the health potions he can make as well as his healing shields he can fix any injuries he had and restore his hp, with a leather sleeping bag he bought he can sleep out in the woods, he can make his own food from the corpses of monsters he's killed, can make himself clean water with a purifying spell he learned from a former church member, and he can create fire with his quirk.

The only time he went back to town was to sell off any loot he had. Many of the merchants attempted to rip Bakugou off by either increasing the price of their items or decrease the value of anything he was trying to sell.

Unfortunately for each and every one of those merchants they were manhandled by Bakugou and would threaten them that he would burn their stores down before any guards would help them if they wouldn't barter fair. With his scary-looking face and finally firing off his explosion quirk in front of them to show he's not bluffing, none wanted to face the wrath of the shield devil so they were always forced to pay him a fair price in every deal.

The only other shop owners that are willing to be more cooperative were the herbalist, the magic shop keeper, and the blacksmith. But Bakugou hasn't needed their services since the day of his accusation so he never bothered with them.

A short fancy-looking slave-dealer had also come up to him one night to offer his stock, but Bakugou quickly rejected his business deals as soon as he saw what he was selling, Bakugou never wants to get involved in slavery no matter what situation he was in. The only reason he would ever buy slaves would be to free them and once he has the money to do so he will do it.

Bakugou had already grind up to level 15 and he continued to go deeper and deeper into the forests to find bigger and harder monsters to kill. He has also started to use his various new shield skills in combat. As much as he hated the shield, he couldn't ignore it's usefulness in battle while using his quirk on the other arm allowing him to fight close encounters with the monsters and not just from a distance.

It seemed like Bakugou was destined to fight alone in this world with no champions or friends. Just the lone hero. But that all changed in one day.

It was another day in the woods as Bakugou blows up some more giant large dog-sized spiders. After killing all of them he inserts of what's left of them in the storage in the shield which it said, *Spider web shield unlocked, passive resistance to venom increased by 10%* after that Bakugou stores up the spider corpses and rips off there big webs, their silk will be very valuable to the clothing merchants and perhaps the armor merchant as well hearing rumors that it can be melded with armor.

Bakugou brings up his shield map and was about to fast travel back to the Capital until he heard a voice, "Help! Somebody help me please!" it sounded feminine and it was close by.

Bakugou's hero instincts came back to him, he may hate this world but he was still determined to be the hero of it and couldn't just ignore it so he followed the voice.

"Rope shield!" He yelled to launch at a branch of a tree and used his quirk to launch himself up to the top. He continues to jump across the branches toward the call for help. He was being cautious as it could be a trap set up by bandits so he would remain up until he sees something.

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