Chapter Five

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The Sky Army's Defeat- Chapter Five: Pain

The whip came down again as another scream ripped itself from the General's numb throat.

"Say it Sky!"

"Never." The General growled hoarsely.

With a great grunt, the recruit brought the chain whip down against Sky's back again.

The General let out a guttural scream of agony and let his body fall limp against the chains on the pole.

"Say it." Martin growled.

"N-No. Sky army lives." Sky panted.

"Wrong answer." Martin sneered, bringing the whip down again.

The General screamed as his whole body tensed, then fell limp again.

He panted hard and squeezed his eyes shut.

"The pain won't stop until you say it Sky." Martin growled.

Sky shook his head. "I know, but I could care less. I will keep fighting because I know my recruits are still there, physically no, but there nonetheless."

Martin smirked. "Then that means more fun for me!"

The screams could be heard on the other side of the castle, which was far away from the room the General was in, as the whip came down again.

~Hours Later~

The General let out one final shriek and again fell limp against the chains.

His raw wrists dripped blood as did his shredded back, but the General paid no mind to it.

Martin had traded spots with Kyle a little while ago and at that moment, Kyle was cleaning all the blood off the chain whip, giving the general a small break.

"Want to say it now? While I can't hurt you?" Kyle sneered.

The General chuckled lowly. "You think that because you can't hurt me-" he licked his cracking lips "-That I'll admit my army has fallen? You think me to be weak? C'mon Kyle you and I used to fight side by side. You know my strengths and weaknesses."

"Really Sky? I should know you're not weak? Look at you, the only thing holding you up is those cuffs."

Sky nodded, staring at the floor still. "True, but I wouldn't still be here if I was weak, would I? Would I still be being whipped? Or would I be back in my cell?"

Kyle glared at the general, his task done.

"You'd probably be in the middle of turning right now if you had given up." He sneered, walking behind Sky and readying the whip.

"Why wouldn't you just turn me in the first place? Why torture me into compliance when you know you could just flip a switch and I'd be a mindless drone?"

Kyle opened his mouth to reply, then snapped it shut.

Growling under his breath, he walked out without another word to Sky.

The general sighed and tried to push himself up, but his weak muscles gave out and he fell against the chains.

Black dots exploded across his vision as pain coursed through his veins at the action.

He wanted it to stop, for everything to go back to the way it was before defeat.

Sadly, he felt as though he would be forced to comply to the Squid King's demands before things went back to normal.

Lost in his thoughts, the General was unaware of the Squid King entering the room.

He was also unaware that he was slowly drifting to sleep.

The king smirked down at the General's shredded back and bent down.

Pulling a syringe out of seemingly nowhere, it plunged the needle into Sky's open wounds.

The General screamed in agony as the liquid entered his veins.

His eye lids grew heavy as he hung by his bleeding wrists and before he could protest, he was out.

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