Ch.18: Awakening

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Seto jolted awake later that day, raising his bound hands up in a defensive motion.

He sighed heavily when he realized there was no threat and eyed the bonds.

Magic resistant, of course.

Breathing another sigh, Seto let his hands drop and leaned against the dank wall.

"You okay there?" A hoarse voice cracked.

Seto jumped and turned to the dark corner of the cell, eyes landing on a man.

The other man was curled up in the corner, shaggy hair up in multiple angles.

Scars lined what was visible of his pale skin, evidence of multiple beatings.

"Y-Yeah, just a bit jumpy. What happened to you?"

The man stayed silent for a moment.

"King Squid did this to me..." he whispered.


"Because I complied. I gave up fighting."

"Fighting? It fought you?"

The man shook his head, snorting. "I wish h-he had given me the chance to fight. H-He took my recruits and turned them into one of them."

Seto's eyes widened slightly. "It what?"

The man nodded sullenly. "They're squid hybrids now, mindless slaves to h-him."

"I have a feeling this isn't the first time it's done this."

He shook his head. "That was the third. With you here, I don't doubt there will be more."

"Well you're right about that. One of my sorceresses back stabbed me by knocking me out. I assume she was transformed before helping with the attack."

"Wait a minute. You wouldn't happen to be Seto would you?"

The sorcerer nodded slowly. "I am. And you are?"

"Mitch. Was Deadlox with you?"

Seto froze. "Have you seen him?"

"No, but I have no doubt he's here."

Seto groaned and sat back against the wall.

"How long?"

Mitch tilted his head to the side. "Pardon?"

"How long? Like, how long have you been here?"

"Longer than anyone should be, although, another General has been here much longer than I."



Seto gulped. "Is this where the missing Generals disappeared to?"

Mitch nodded solemnly.

Seto sighed once again and closed his eyes.

When did the squids become so cruel?

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