Ch.19: The Left Behind

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???'s POV

I marched though the thick foliage, the other two girls somewhere around me.

Our group is what's left of our armies.

Sky, Dead, Benja, Bac, Sorcerer, all of our fellow recruits were kidnapped.

We have no idea what they did to them, but judging by the constant screaming echoing from their base, it's torture.

So far, we haven't gotten a plan to rescue the others, but we do know what their base looks like on the inside.

One of us, a Dead Army recruit, was able to go inside and scope out the area, then leave unnoticed due to her obsession with blue.

And I'm not exaggerating either.

Blue sweatshirt, blue sweatpants, blue belt, blue gloves, heck even blue eyes!

I'm surprised her hair isn't blue.

Speaking of the girl... where is she?

"Hey Hystra! Any idea where Tinarris went?" I called to a black haired girl a few blocks ahead.

She shook her head, turning to me.

"Not a clue, Arella! She said she'd be back in a second and ran off!" She called back, climbing up a tree. "I'm going to get a better view!"

I nodded. "Be careful!"

"Can you be any louder, Arella? The squids haven't heard you yet." a soft voice teased behind me.

I turned around, rolling my eyes. "What ever, Hydrangea."

"Arella who are you talking to? Hydrangea is back at camp!" Hystra called.

I muttered a few unkind words under my breath and sighed.

"See Tinaris?"

Hystra shook her head, sending her black hair with green highlights in all different directions. "Maybe we should head back!"

"Alright, come down!"

She did so and the two of us plodded back to the camp where we were showered with questions.

"Anything new?"

"Anymore screams?"

"Any luck?"

"Guys, please! You all ask us the same questions every time we go scope out the base!" Hystra exclaimed.

"Well we want to know." A tall girl with long, brown hair and blue tips muttered.

"Nothing new, no screams, and no luck. Does that help, Bella?"

The girl nodded, smirking slightly.

"Good, Tinarris here?" I asked.

Everyone looked around and shook their heads.

"I'm here guys!" A voice chirped as a girl in almost all blue appeared through the bushes.

"Where'd you go Tinarris? You could've been caught by the squids!" Another girl that also had long brown hair asked.

"Relax Alexandra. I found a few people to help us." The blue obsessed girl smiled, motioning to behind her.

Two tall men stepped through the bushes and waved at our small group, smiling brightly.

"Guys, meet Quentin and Ian, Generals of the Mudkips and Doods." Tinaris introduced them happily.

"How many armies are there, jeez." Alexandra muttered behind me.

I shook it off and held my hand out, shaking theirs.

"We wanted to help free your generals along with your friends. The squids have gone way too far this time." one of the men said.

He wore a grey suit with a red tie.

"We'll need as much help as we can get." Bella spoke up, walking over to me.

"I'm Arella, and this is Bella, Alexandra, Hydrangea, Hystra, and I assume you've met Tinaris already."

The one who was talking nodded. "I'm Quentin and that's Ian."

"Nice to meet you both. Where are your armies?" I asked.

"All around us." Ian responded. "My army specializes in stealth."

"Perfect, and Quentin?"

"With Ian's recruits. We train together."

I grinned. "Awesome!"

Tinaris grinned as well. "Let's get a plan going then!"

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