Ch.23: Secrets

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(A week later)

Two girls snuck around in the forest, both on opposite ends and closing in on each other.

One of them, known as Arella, hovered her hand over the hilt of her sword, the other, known to her general and fellow recruits as Hydrangea, walked quickly, as if in a hurry.

Both met in a clearing smack dab in the center of the large forest.

"Arella." Hydrangea greeted simply.

"Hydra." Arella muttered, allowing her arm to fall to her side.

Hydrangea smirked slightly and snapped her fingers, both of their appearances changing.

Arella's black hair turned a darker, deeper color and the green tips faded to a royal blue. Her skin became blue in certain places and her eyes changed to a deep blue as well.

Hydrangea's hair turned a light blue and shortened until it was chin length. The flower crown she wore turned into an arrangement of blue and black petals.

Rips appeared in her checkered hoodie as the colors changed to a dark violet and blue pattern, her sneakers changed to black boots and last but not least, her eyes faded to such a dark blue, at first glance they would appear to be black.

Arella sighed with relief and grinned. "I hated that look."

Hydra nodded. "Same, but we have to wear it if we don't want to alert our generals and recruits of our secret."

Arella nodded. "Right. You set up the image of Sky correct?"

Hydra nodded again. "Yup. A staged, gory death right outside the Dead Army's boundaries by yours truly."

Arella rolled her eyes. "Good. Did King Squid say how the General was doing?"

"Broken beyond repair. My illusions helped a lot with that."

Arella smirked. "Then his plan is working. Should we go back?"

Hydra nodded, making both of the girl's appearances back to the way they were before.

"See you shortly." Hydrangea muttered, waving at Arella before walking off.

"See you." she grumbled, turning around and walking off.

Another girl, who had been watching the two behind some bushes, backed up slightly, tripping over a tree root and falling on her back.

She needed to tell General Deadlox what had happened.

Scrambling to her feet, she started to sprint away, not even bothering to brush the dirt and leaves off her black pants and purple enderman hoodie.

Before she could get very far though, thick vines exploded out of the ground and wrapped around her ankle, tripping her.

She fell face first into the ground and groaned as the vines slithered up her body and spiraled around her in a tight manner.

"Look what the cat dragged in." a silky voice chuckled darkly, one of the two girls walking out in front of the tied up one.

The vines lifted her off the ground to face the owner of the voice, her face hidden.

"W-Who are you?" The trapped girl stuttered, purple eyes wide in fear.

"Don't you know? Curiosity killed the cat, little girl." the voice sneered bitterly.

The girl yelped as the vines tightened. "M-My name i-is May."

"Does it look like I care? My king will love adding you to his army."

May struggled to get away. "N-No! I-I'm loyal to Deadlox, and him alone!"

The voice scoffed slightly. "We'll see about that. Once my king is through with you, you'll be worshiping the ground he walks on."

"C-Can I at least know the name of my c-captor?"

The voice sighed. "Hydrangea, but to those loyal to my king, it's Hydra." It spat bitterly.

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