Chapter Seven

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The Sky Army's Defeat- Chapter Seven: The Friend

Sky jolted awake to a feminine scream, tearing through the once silent air.

I did this.

This is my fault.

My recruits are suffering because of me.

Should I comply?

The General shook his head.

No, compliance means weakness.

Another scream tore through the air, causing the general to wince.

But it would save my recruits still fighting for freedom...

Sky groaned and laid back against the cold, damp ground.

He would have to choose between his free will, and his recruits'...

But he'd also face the decision of showing weakness and saving Notch knows how many people, or holding his ground and loosing more of his dear recruits.

The General stared blankly at the ceiling, debating his options.

Comply and save many?

Stay strong and loose all?

Give the king what he wants?

Endure more pain?

The General let out a frustrated huff, not noticing a squid struggling with someone in it's tenticals.

"Let me go, stupid squid!" A growl pulled the General out of his world, turning his attention to the cell door.

The squid managed to unlock the cell door and throw the struggling person onto the ground, slamming and locking the door behind it.

"Get back here and fight me like a man! Oh wait, you're a squid!" The person spat, rushing up to the bars.

"Hey, listen to me when I'm talking to you!" He roared.


The new person in Sky's cell huffed in frustration and turned around, noticing him for the first time.

Sky looked the new man up and down, takin in his features.

He had short brown hair, matching angry brown eyes, and a long, dirtied and bloodied black suit with a torn red tie.

The other man seemed to be doing the same thing when the General cleared his throat.

"The squids get you too?" He asked bluntly.

The other man nodded, his hands balling into tight fists at his side.

"Yes." he growled. "Those stupid squids showed up out of nowhere and..." He looked down, his shoes suddenly interesting.

"And took down your whole army before your eyes?" Sky finished for him.

The man nodded, a small tear falling to the floor.

"Same thing happened to me, bud, I've been sitting here for Notch knows how long, listening to my recruits scream."

The man eyed Sky wearily. "You're the General of Sky Army aren't you?"

Sky nodded. "Former General. The squids have my recruits under their influence now."

The other man's eyes widened. "Are they going to do that to my fellow bacs?!"

Sky tilted his head to the side. "Your who?"

"The recruits in my army call themselves bacs."

The General shrugged. "Dunno what will happen, you're the only other general I've seen here."

"I'm Jerome by the way. What happened to you? You seem like you've been trough the Nether and back."

Sky snorted. "I'm Sky, and yes, you could say I've been to the Nether and back considering what those squids put my recruits and I through."

Jerome cursed and slammed his fist into the wall.

"If those squids so much as touch one of-"

A loud scream ripped through the air again, this time a male.

Jerome's eyes widened so much, Sky could've sworn they'd pop out at any second.

He let out an animalistic roar and ran up to the bars, swinging at them with all his strength.

"Leave them alone!" He screamed, tears threatening to spill again.

"Notch leave them alone! You pathetic excuse for an animal, show yourself you coward!"

King Squid's chuckling echoed down the hallway as he appeared before our cell.

"Welcome to our prison General Jerome, enjoying the music?"

Jerome lunged for him, reaching through the bars.

"Fight me like the oh-so-powerful being you make yourself to be Squid! Let my people go!" He growled, scratching at the King.

Sky just stared, unsure what to do.

The king smirked and turned to two other squids at the end of the hallway, motioning them over.

They obeyed and listened as the king told them something in a different language that Sky didn't understand.

Jerome seemed to understand though and staggered away, fear replacing his angry expression.

The two squids walked into the cell and fought to pull Jerome's hands behind his back.

"No! Please Notch no! Leave my recruits alone and I'll go with you! Just let them go!" He cried, struggling hard against the two squids.

They struggled with him, but managed to drag him out the door and down the hallway.

King Squid turned to a shocked Sky and smirked.

"Time to make an example of your friend." He sneered, walking off.

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