Ch.15: Lies

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Sky stared at Mitch in disbelief.

"Why?" He asked.

Mitch shook his head. "It was too much... they made me watch them turn one of my recruits. I-I couldn't bare it."

Jerome pulled Mitch into a comforting hug.

"It's okay Biggums. We understand." he muttered.

Mitch just continued to sob, regret gnawing at his gut.

"I told them to change them back, then I'll comply. Their leader agreed and had me brought back here." Mitch muttered through his tears.

Jerome and Sky shared worried glances then continued to comfort their friend.

Later, after Mitch had finally pulled his emotions together, the king walked in and glared down at the three.

"Time to go Mitchell." it said sternly.

Mitch look at the other generals sadly before standing and trudging out of the cell.

There was a second squid with the king who grabbed him and lead him away.

The king smirked at the other two generals before slowly striding out of the room.

It followed the squid carrying Mitch down a long hallway and into another room.

"Tie him up to the pole and send in the girl." It ordered.

The other squid nodded and did as the king demanded, leaving then returning shortly later with Sarah in tow.

"You promised you'd change them back." Mitch growled, glaring up at the king from down on his knees.

"Did I? Hmm. I don't seem to recall that. Then again, according to you humans, us squids don't have brains!" The king hissed harshly.

Mitch swallowed a lump in his throat, realizing his fate.

"Sarah, be a dear and whip him for me?" It asked, glaring at the general.

The once loving girl nodded and grabbed a chain whip, dried blood on it's end.

She positioned herself behind the man she once followed orders from and awaited her Master's demand.

The king nodded slowly, giving the signal.

Sarah nodded as well and raised the whip over her head.

"Please! I'll do anything!" Mitch yelled, begging for mercy.

"Oh Mitchell, you've already given me what I wanted. You're mine now." the king sneered just as Sarah brought down the scourge and started the first of many screams to be heard that night.


Jerome held his paws over his ears and stared at the wall.

His bloodshot eyes never left the cracked spot on the wall that whole night nor the next morning.

Mitch's screams were all he heard, all he felt. It was torture for the poor bacca.

Jerome couldn't bare them, even with his paws pressed so hard into his skull the claws drew blood, he heard them.

Loud, echoing, agonized screams of loss and remorse rang in his ears.

Sky had tried getting his attention, to get him to eat the molded, soggy food the squids had generously offered, even to move him an inch, but nothing worked.

The bacca wouldn't budge.

This scared Sky.

Did the squids break him?

Is he actually broken?

How will they break me?

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