Chapter 23

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"Are you sure I look okay?" I swiped my hair with a hand one more time and saw Vincent roll his eyes in the mirror.

"You look more than okay. You look incredibly sexy and I feel lucky to be going with such a hot piece of..." He came up behind me and I smacked him before he got out the last word.

"Alright. Fine. I'm ready then." I grabbed my coat from the bed and followed him out the door and downstairs, where the rest of the Wrights were waiting.

"Oh don't you two look nice." Kinsey said with a grin.

"Thanks mom." Vincent leaned in and gave her a kiss. I smiled and then jumped when I felt someone pinch my ass. My eyes widened. I looked behind me, but no less than three men were pretending they didn't do anything. I narrowed my eyes.

"Let's go then. Best behaviour boys." Kinsey lead the way to the truck and we all piled in the back. I sat between Alan and Vincent, the only two sure innocents from before. It only took to the end of the driveway before Riley was complaining.

"I swear upon everything that is holy child, if you don't behave at your grandmother's then I am leaving you on the side of the road and you can walk home." Kinsey threatened without so much as a glance into the backseats.

"But mooom..." Riley leaned over my shoulder and I rolled my eyes. I swore he was the youngest of the bunch by the way he was acting.

"No buts. Listen to your mother." Quinn finally piped up. A well placed glared in the rear view mirror had Riley sitting back with a huff.

"How long is this drive?" I whispered to Vincent. He chuckled and put his lips against my ear.

"Not long enough, and yet too damn long." He said under his breath so no one else could hear him.

"Mum, Vincent is whispering." Ian said with a sly tone.

"That's fine dear. As long as he keeps his hands to himself." She replied back. I felt my face flush with colour and cleared my throat. I felt his grin just before he pulled away. He was a horrible person. I tried to think pure thoughts for the rest of the ride.

"We're here." Quinn announced. I looked out the window to see a brick and siding house with bright blue shutters. The driveway was already occupied by an army truck and a pickup. I gulped nervously.

Everyone piled out of the vehicle and straightened themselves before walking up the shoveled path to the front door. There wasn't a lot of snow, but just enough to make it look incredibly festive. I smiled at the wreaths on the door and windows, and two faces that pressed up against the glass sidelight before the door opened.

"KIDS!" A tiny old lady shouted when the door opened and I heard the skittering of claws as two dogs came barreling out the door with excited yips. The boys all gave them pats on the head as they circled the group and chaos ensued.

Eventually everyone made it inside the door and it was shut behind us. Jackets were removed and put into a large closet, boots and shoes were discarded on an oversized mat, and the little old lady gave hugs and kisses at the door as each person passed through. Including me, after Vincent introduced me.

I was ushered into a large living room with doilies on every surface and a large old man with the sharpest buzz cut I had seen since leaving the school. His brows were so thick and bushy they nearly covered his eyes, and his mustache so thick it covered his mouth to give him a permanent frown.

Everyone took turns to come over and hug him where he sat while he patted them on the back. I hesitated when Vincent dragged me forward and introduced me, but the old man gave a gruff laugh.

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