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Manhattan, New York

"We tried our best unfortunately but it was a lot of bleeding. I'm sorry but she died."

"Oh my god." Bernice said as she cried and Jayceon comforted her with tears in his eyes

I just stood there as tears streamed down my face. The only person truly start to love is now gone.

My chest started going up and down


"D-Dani-" Her dad got up and walked towards her

"No! Tell me this is all a lie!"

I got up and started walking toward the door but I was pulled back

"Dani calm." Jay said

"Please dad let it be fake! I-I didn't mean too hold t-the stupid grudge!" I yelled as he held me down onto the floor

"Bring her back! P-please god b-bring her back!" I cried into his chest

"W-why is this happening to me!" I hit chest repeatedly

"It's okay Dani. We going to get through this babygirl."

"I love her so much."

"I know, we going to get through this I promise." He kissed my forehead

Zya got up and stormed out the hospital.

"Zya!" Jayceon yelled

Seeing that she wasn't turning around  he got up and chased after her. A nurse came in and whispered in the doctor ear.

He followed behind them quickly.

(A/N: Y'all I don't really know how hospital scenes like this goes yet but I tried.)

                    Doctor Williams

I rushed backed to the room and seen the nurses stabilizing her once again.

"Okay what's going on?" I asked

"She has a heart beat, were going to try and use the defibrillators to see and make sure." One of the nurses said as another came in with the defibrillators

I grabbed them and held the pads against each chest. It shock her but her body didn't move.

I sighed as everyone watched

"There ain't nothing else we could do"  a nurse said

I shook my head "No that's I-"

I got cut off by Andrea waking up, gasping for air.

"Thank you god." A nurse said

After a few minutes of us trying to get her breathing together she was calm a little.

"Can you say your name for me?" I asked her

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