Chapter 8 The Mysterious Elder

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Emotionlessly leaving the main hall, the frustrated Xiao Yan followed his daily routine and slowly climbed to the top of the mountain behind the clan building. Sitting at the top of the mountain, Xiao Yan calmly watched the steep mountaintops far away being shrouded in mist. There, in the mist, was the Jia Ma Empire's famous Magic Beast Mountain Range.

"Hehe, power ah... In this world, without power, you're not even worth some excrement. At least, no one tries to trample on excrement." With shoulders waving up and down, the young man's soft, self-taunting voice echoed across the top of the mountain, filling the air with sadness.

Yanking his hair, Xiao Yan bit down on his lip, allowing the bloody taste to spread in his mouth. Even though he didn't let his emotions get to him in the main hall, the Nalan Yanran's words stabbed at his heart like knives.

"I will never be insulted like this again!" Opening his left hand, which still had the bloody scar from the events of the day, Xiao Yan's voice was hoarse but firm.

"Hehe, kid, looks like you need some help."

Right when Xiao Yan pledged his oath, a wizened, strange laugh entered his ear.

Xiao Yan's face changed and he immediately turned around. With a hawk-like gaze, he scanned his surroundings but didn't even find a shadow...

"Hehe, stop searching, I'm on your finger."

Right when Xiao Yan thought that he was hallucinating, the strange laugh aimlessly sounded again.

Xiao Yan's eyes contracted and his gaze fell on his right hand's black ring.

"You're talking?" Enduring his heart's pounding, Xiao Yan tried to keep his voice calm.

"Kid, you're quite calm, to not have been scared witless." From the ring, a taunting voice sounded.

"Who are you? Why are you in my ring? What are trying to do?"

After calming himself, Xiao Yan asked the essential questions.

"Who am I? You don't need to know, I won't harm you. Hahaha, after all these years, I finally found someone with a soul strong enough. What luck! Hehe, I should thank you for your offerings over the past three years, otherwise I would probably still be sleeping."

"Offerings?" Xiao Yan blinked his eyes in confusion. After a moment, his face darkened and chilling words jumped out of his teeth with difficulty: "My Dou Qi disappearing... you did that?"

"Hehe, I had to do that, kid don't be mad at me."

"You F*CKER!"

The normally calm and composed Xiao Yan became enraged like a lunatic. His small face was filled with savagery, and without caring that the ring was the only memento of his mother, he ripped the ring off of his finger and flung it over the cliff with all of his might.

As the ring left his hand, Xiao Yan's mind finally cleared. Hurriedly he tried to catch the flying ring but the ring had already passed cliff, freefalling down the mountain...

Staring at the ring disappearing into the mist, Xiao Yan was stunned for a long time. Finally, his face lost its savagery and calmed. He smacked his forehead, upset: "Idiot that was too reckless, too reckless!"

To realize that the culprit of his humiliation for the past three years was the ring he always wore, it was unsurprising that Xiao Yan reacted so violently.

After sitting at the edge of the cliff for a long time, Xiao Yan helplessly shook his head. Standing up, he prepared to go back but his eyes widened and his finger shakily pointed at the thing in front of him.

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