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Disclaimer: I do not own S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders” or Phil Phillip’s “Home”. All rights go to them. Enjoy! Xx J

Chapter 1: Home

 Hold on, to me as we go.

As we roll down this unfamiliar road.

And although this wave is stringing us along.

Just know you’re not alone,

Cause I’m going to make this place your home.

            I didn’t want to go back to Tulsa. But I didn’t want to stay in Oklahoma City. I left Tulsa when I was four, and didn’t look back. But because I was so little, I guess I really didn’t get an opinion.

            I didn’t remember Tulsa that much. I just remembered a few people and the weather. The people I remembered were neighbors. There was a family of five that was close to mine. I didn’t think about them too much, but I remembered them. Mainly because the boy who was my age always tried to make me play tag with him and his brothers.

            I looked at the two people in the front seat of our car. Even though they were my dad and sister, they felt like strangers. Ever since my mom died, everything felt...distant. I turned my head and looked at my brother. I think he took mom’s death the hardest. He just hated everything and everyone. Travis and I always tossed the football around and went to games together. He would even let me tag along to his high school parties. But after mom died, that all stopped. He hated me. But it wasn’t just me. It was everyone.

            I fixated on my sister again. Bridget was nineteen, almost twenty. She didn’t have to come back to Tulsa with us. She wanted too. She was doing fine in Oklahoma City. She had a job, friends, her own home, and a boyfriend. I don’t understand why she gave all that up. She thinks she’s gonna help with bills, but she’s going to end up as just another mouth to feed and another free loader living under my dad’s roof.

            My dad. He was the reason we’re moving back. He lost his job after mom died, and the job he did in Tulsa offered him a job back. He took it and now we’re driving down a freeway to Tulsa.

            I started thinking something I often thought. Everyone had a hard time about mom’s death, except for me. Even though she was my mother, I was relived. She was a ticking time bomb. It wasn’t that I hated my mother, but I just didn’t like her. And her actions didn’t exactly help. She was an alcoholic. I flashed back to the times when Bridget begged her to get help. Bridget was only fourteen when she begged my mom. No fourteen year old should have to deal with that. Maybe that’s why I was relieved. I was fourteen now and I remembered seeing Bridget at fourteen and she was a mess. I think that was when Bridget realized how bad our mom actually was.

            I felt bad that I wasn’t as upset as everyone else though.  But I just didn’t love her. The few times my mom said “I love you” to me, I hated saying “I love you, too” back just because it wasn’t true.

“Almost there guys. Excited to get back to Tulsa?” My dad asked, breaking my thoughts.

“No,” Travis said as he exhaled. “There’s no reason to be.”

“Aw, come on, Travis. Don’t be like that. You loved Tulsa when you were younger,” Bridget argued.

My dad noticed the tension between my siblings and asked me. “What about you, Scarlett? Excited?”


“You’ve gotta be excited to see your boyfriend!” Bridget jumped in.

“My what? I’ve never had a boyfriend, Bridget…”

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