Diet Mountain Dew

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Disclaimer: I do not own S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders” or Lana Del Rey’s  “Diet Mountain Dew”. All rights go to them. Enjoy! Xx – K

Chapter 14: Diet Mountain Dew

Do you think we’ll be in love forever?

Do you think we’ll be in love? 

            Have you ever been feeling down and thought to yourself, this day couldn’t get any worse, and then it does? Well that just happened to me. Not only did I get detention for being late to history. Not only did I fail the math pop quiz. Not only did Dally not pick me up and I had to walk. But now, it’s raining.

            I waited for him to pick me up where he usually does for twenty minutes before I decided to walk all the way home. It actually wasn’t that far, but with a heavy back pack and rain pouring down on you, it felt like forever.

“Hey, need a ride?”

Before I turned around, I thought of who it could be. I was right.

“Um,” I said cautiously, while looking down at my soaked shoes. “Yeah, sure. Thanks guys.” I hopped into the Shepard boys’ car. I expected just Curly, but was I kind of relieved to see Tim, too.

“How long you been walkin’,” Tim asked.

“I don’t know…about seven minutes or so.”

“Where do you want me to take you?”

“Do you know where Dallas is?”

“Yeah, he’s up at Buck’s I think. You still staying with him?”

I had no idea Tim knew about that. “Sort of.”

“So, is that where you want me to take you?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

            The rest of the way to Buck’s consisted of Curly and Tim trying to talk to me. I didn’t feel like talking to them because of all the things Dally has said about them. Dally made it sound like these people I should share conversations with.

“Need someone to walk you in?”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. Bye kiddo.”

            I walked up to the steps and headed in. Buck stared at me and it looked like something heavy just fell on his shoulders. He knew I partially stayed with Dal, but I didn’t think he liked the idea of a fourteen year old girl staying at his club.

            I gave him a curt nod and headed up stairs. The door to Dally’s room was wide open and the room was completely vacated. I waited upstairs for a couple of minutes then headed down stairs to the empty bar. I waited a few seconds before getting Buck’s attention and asking where Dally was.

“I don’t know. He probably went to get a pack of Kools. He’ll be back any minute.”

            I gave him another curt nod and went back to Dally’s room. I waited for ten minutes. I almost gave up hope and decided to walk back home. Right when I was walking to the door, Dally came in.

“Hey,” I said smiling.

“Why the hell are you smilin’, Scar?”

“I just…”

“Where were you? I waited out front of Will Rogers for fifteen minutes waiting for you!”

“I waited for you for fifteen minutes, then decided to walk, because I figured you weren’t gonna show.”

“Well, I did. And you weren’t there. Guess I got your dismissal time wrong.”

“You very well knew when dismissal was, Dallas.”

“Look , how’d you even get here?”

“Tim and Curly drove me.”

“When the hell did Tim become your taxi driver? What the hell you doin’ drivin’ with him?”

“I was walking and they offered me a ride. Why do you even care who drove me?”

“Scar, you could’ve gotten a ride with Steve and Two-Bit!”

“They offered me one, but I thought you were comin’ so they went ahead and left. And you’ve got some nerve to yell at me about not being somewhere when I should’ve been! Yesterday, I waited forever –“

Dally stopped me and kissed me. “You think that’s how you’re gonna shut me up?” He kissed me again.

“It’s working isn’t it? Look, you mad at me?”

“Sort of!”

“I like it when girls are mad at me.” He kissed me again and I could feel his smile against my lips. He glanced at the door and then the bed. “What do you say?”

“What, now?”

“Sure. We were going to last night, but your sister interrupted us.”

“I don’t know…”

He groaned, “C’mon! I’ll take you home after it.”

Now it was my turn to smile. “Who said I wanted to go home?”

Maybe I like this roller coaster

Maybe it keeps me high

Maybe the speed it brings me closer

I could sparkle up your eye 

“I really do gotta get home now.”

“Fine. Hey, tomorrow we’re havin’ a party here to kick off rodeo season. Wanna be my date?”

“I’m really sorry, but I can’t.”

“What are you busy with?” he said a little upset.

“My sister is throwin’ a party and I promised I would help. But hey, when that party gets boring, I’ll come back over here,” I said before kissing him on the forehead. I buttoned up my wrinkled blouse and threw his pants at him. “C’mon, get dressed.”


            It was about seven and the house was completely ready for a party. I was ready for a party. This week wasn’t all that great and I was more than happy it was over. My grades took a hit. Dally and I had our first fight. I thought about my mom a lot. And Travis and I were at each other’s throats again.

“So who’s comin’, Bridget?”

“Oh, just the friends I made from work. And Mark.”

You’re no good for me

Baby you’re no good for me

You’re no good for me

But baby I want you, I want you 

(A/N): Sorry about the shortness of this chapter! I’ll really try to keep updating regualarly, but with school, it gets hard! Please don’t lose interest! I promise that it gets better :) ! Don’t forget to comment, too!

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