School Days

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Disclaimer: I do not own S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders” or Chuck Berry’s “School Days”. All rights go to them. Enjoy! Xx – K

(A/N): Here’s a pretty long chapter. I really hope all of you like this one! This is one of my favorites!

Chapter 6: School Days

Up in the mornin' and out to school

The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule

American history and practical math

You studyin' hard and hopin' to pass

Workin' your fingers right down to the bone

And the guy behind you won't leave you alone

“Wake up!” yelled Bridget. I did not want to go to school. I was, however, happy to have a couple of friends. Bridget was trying to wake me and Travis. I got up pretty easily, but Travis was given Bridget a tough time.

In the few days me and Dally had been going together, Two-Bit let everyone know. He warned me that people at school would probably say stuff, but I didn’t really care. I was happy.

Bridget and Darry had gone out to dinner once after the party, and they talk every now and then, but they aren’t going to date.

I got up and got dressed. Steve volunteered to pick me up in the morning so I wouldn’t have to ride with Travis, and I accepted. Me and him were still not on best terms. I was about to walk out of the room right when Bridget knocked on the door.

“Your ride’s here. Pony’s waiting for you out on the porch. Nervous?”

“Sorta. At least I got Pony.”

“Yeah… you think I don’t know about you and Dallas, don’t you?”

I didn’t reply.

“Darry told me. We’re gonna talk about it later, but right now you gotta go to school. Have fun!”

I walked out and saw Pony waiting on me. “Hey, Scarlett! The guys are in the car.”


“Hey Pone, we got any classes together?”

“I don’t know, let me see your schedule.”

I handed Pony my schedule and he studied it closely. I knew that I probably wouldn’t because he’s in advanced classes and I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.

“We have Algebra and English together. Science, too. I think you’re gonna like science. The teacher’s nice. Can’t say the same about History.”

“Who you got for history, Scarlett?” Two-Bit asked from the front seat.

“Richards.” Steve and Two-Bit just laughed.

“Well, that sounds like a hell of a lot of fun,” Two-Bit said sarcastically.

We pulled up to Will Rogers High School and I had no idea what to expect. I got out of the car and walked with the guys to the front. I had Geography first and absolutely no friends in the class. Great.

Pony walked me to the geography room and took off for some class of his. I walked in and I was one of the only people there. The teacher was an older peppy woman. When she realized I was the new girl, she ran up to me and introduced herself. “Take a seat wherever, sweetie. We don’t have assigned seats. I headed toward a seat in the back corner when a kid with curly hair approached me.

“Oh, that’s kinda my seat.”

‘Oh, sorry. The teacher said to sit anywhere…” I said scooting over to the next desk.

“You’re new. What’s your name?”

“Scarlett. Scarlett Tucker.”

“Thought so. You’re Dally’s girl?”


“You met my brother at the Dingo. Tim Shepard. I’m Curly. Nice to meet you.”

A light bulb went off in my head. I remembered Tim talking about his brother. “You too, Curly.”

In the middle of class, Mrs. Beck assigned Curly to help me with the lesson because I was so lost. Curly kept trying to talk about other stuff and I didn’t want to talk back. Bridget and my dad would kill me if I wasn’t doing good in school.

“I’m trying to pay attention, Curly.”

“Sure, sure.”

“There a problem back there, Mr. Shepard?” Mrs. Beck asked.

“No ma’am. No problem at all. Just helping the new girl with the lesson.”

After that he finally stopped talking to me and the bell rang. I walked out with Curly on my tail. “Where are you headed?”

“English. Pony already told me where it is, so you don’t need to show me.”

“I’m headed there too.”

I saw Pony in the crowd and headed straight towards him with Curly following me. When Tim said he would watch over me, I didn’t know he meant like this. When Pony realized he was with me, he got confused but continued going to the class room.

When we got into the class room, almost everyone was there. Mr. Syme, the English teacher, made me introduce myself and that was quite embarrassing. He realized I knew Pony and made me sit by him so he could help me of I needed it.

A few upper class kids gave me snobby looks. I guess I understand what Tim meant by “Or all the more reason to fuck with her.” Maybe Dally being my boyfriend wouldn’t be that beneficial as I thought.

After English, it was time for art. The art teacher was crazy, like Steve said. The art class was mixed with all grades. There was a lot of upper class people in the class. The only lower classers were me and another girl who seemed familiar, but not familiar enough. Knowing she wasn’t rich, I sat at a table with her. She looked at me and gave me a smile.

“You new?”

“Yeah, just moved here.”

“Well, I’m Evie. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Scarlett.”

“Well, shit. I knew you looked familiar. I’m datin’ Steve Randle.”

“That’s where I know you from!”

“Yeah. Your datin’ Dally right?”

“I guess.”

She helped me form a clay pot. She seemed nice. For most of art, the teacher sat with me and asked me a bunch of questions. Evie laughed a few times because the art teacher just kept going on and on. I guess art wasn’t that bad. After art, I was headed to Algebra. I couldn’t find pony or the class room. On my way, I ran straight into a girl knocking all of my books and hers on the ground.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. Here I think this is yours,” She said handing me a notebook. “Are you new?”

“Yeah. Do you know where ninth grade Algebra is?”

“I got time, I’ll just walk you over there.”

“Oh, thanks. Sorry about your books, again.”

“It’s fine. I’m Lori, by the way. Lori Edwards.”

Back in the classroom, open your books

Gee but the teacher don't know how mean she looks.

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