The Climb

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Chapter 2: The Climb

Every step I'm takin'

Every move I make

Feels lost with no direction,

My faith is shakin' 

I went inside and everyone had gone to bed. It wasn’t that late, but I guess everyone had had a long day. I was sharing a room with Bridget so when I walked into my bedroom I tried to be as quiet as I could. Apparently, not quiet enough.

“Hey, have fun tonight?” She asked groggily.

“Yeah, I guess. I remembered more people than I thought,” I answered.

“Was that Pony kissing you on the forehead tonight?”

“You saw that?!” I asked. I was beyond embarrassed. My sister did this back in Oklahoma City, too. She kind of took up the role of mom because mom was never there. She always tried to protect me and hover over me like a hawk.

“Yeah…never mind that, was it Pony?” She asked nudging me in the ribs.

“No. Do you remember that kid Dallas? Dallas Winston?”

“What? He always had a crush on me,” she argued.

“Well, I guess he’s moved on,” I scoffed.

We talked about Dallas some more and she was beyond shocked that it was him who kissed me on the forehead. She made it sound like so much more than just a kiss on the forehead, though.

After talking about Dallas for about an hour, we finally went to sleep. Well, Bridget did. I kept thinking to myself. Bridget seemed jealous. I have no idea why though. I mean he had a crush on her ten years ago. We all moved on. Or I thought we did. I guess she was jealous because her little sister got something she didn’t.

I looked at Bridget while she was sleeping. She wasn’t breath taking beautiful, but she was very pretty. She looked like my dad. So did Travis. I, however, looked like my mom. Bridget sort of had my mom’s eyes, but that was it.

When we woke up Soda and Pony were in our house. They were making breakfast and my dad was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. Travis was in his room.

“What are you two doing?” I asked. I was kind of happy to see them, because I could use two friends.

“We came over to make breakfast, because y’all are probably tired from yesterday,” Soda answered.

“Well that’s nice of you two. What are you boys doing today?” Bridget asked.

“Well I gotta go to work pretty soon, but I don’t know about Pony,” Soda said while flipping pancakes in the air.

“So, Pony, wanna show us around town?” Bridget asked nudging me.

“Um, sure. Sounds better than sitting at home being bored. Can I bring some of the guys along?”

“No problem. Travis make an appearance this morning?” Bridget asked no one in particular.

“Yeah. He took some eggs and went back in his room,” Dad said from the couch. I didn’t even know he was paying attention to our conversation. I decided to go see Travis. Me and him hadn’t had a conversation in months. I missed him. As I walked down the hall I changed my mind, but kept walking. I inhaled then knocked on the door.

“Go away,” he yelled. Oh no, I was not giving up that easy. I opened the door and he just rolled his eyes.


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