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"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."

Kera POV

6 yrs ago

"Kera you've been working too hard now you must take some rest," my mother said as she entered my room.

"No mom if I don't complete this I'll not get good grades"I spoke in the same tone as my mother.

I faced my mom and she gave me a blank look. I couldn't help it.

I looked at the clock in front of me...

1:23 am

I grabbed the blue pen in my hands and looked at the project work in front of me...

'Trigonometric applications..'

I sighed and told myself I could complete it...

I was, what you call, the loser of my class. but this doesn't mean I didn't make any effort to score well.I tried my best to get good grades but failed every single time.all my efforts and hard work would go into may sound fake but it's the truth. Out of all subjects I hated one subject the most.and this was,


I know most of the people would say stuff like 'ooh math is a piece of cake' but not for me...

I get the worst grades in maths.

It's way too difficult with me.

although I put in a lot of effort, I still don't get the result I should be getting.

At least that's what I think.

Cuz there was another culprit behind this.

Panic attacks

Yes, I get panic attacks. whenever I write my math exam, I always end up having it.

Out of nowhere, my hands start to shake as negative thoughts appear in my mind.this results in me failing my exam and me running to the washroom to stop myself from crying ...

It's always the same

I finally complete the project and write my name on it with a black marker pen...

I look at the time.

3:00 am

"Well, I guess I'll be getting the only 3hrs of sleep this time"I mumbled as I made way towards my bed...

I lay down on my bed and pull the sheets.

"Don't worry Kera, one day you will be very successful and everyone will look up to you. Just don't lose hope"

I said to myself as a tear rolled down my cheek and a sad smile stretched across my face.

I close my eyes shut and drifted off to dreamland.

Anonymous POV

I always pitied her seeing like this.

I understand her pain but don't worry.

I'll be there to help you...

There are only a few people who are successful in life.

And you'll be one of them...

Because I will make sure of that...

End of anonymous POV


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