Stalker alert

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I had finally finished reading my favourite and wanted to keep it back when I saw them exiting the forbidden section.

The librarian and the hooded guy in black were carrying stacks of forbidden books.

The aged man seemed pretty content with the number of books they were carrying as his chapped lips tugged into a warm smile.

I decided not to interfere anymore as I decided to issue some leisure books. I started to roam around the fiction section to find some interesting books.

After a lot of searching, I finally decided to issue 3 books as I couldn't decide which one to pick. I was merrily going to the issuing section when I crashed into a huge body...

I fell on my butt and unfortunately, all my books fell on the ground.

"Ow," I whined shamelessly even though I knew this happened because of me daydreaming and being overly joyous. I pretty much wandered off in my dreamland without caring about my surroundings.. it was a bad habit.

"Daydreaming much?" The other guy snapped at me. I shifted my view from my butt to the person in front of me when I saw that he was the same guy walking alongside the old man.

The hooded guy, wearing everything in black from head to toe.

Except for this time he had removed the shades.

He had such mesmerising eyes.. big and rounded with dark thick lashes.

What even added to his intriguing eyes was that he had a monolid and a double which made it unique.

His eyes reminded me so much of someone. someone I hadn't met for a long time I failed to recall his name.

"hey move I need to go, go dream somewhere else " the guy spoke suddenly while glaring at me and I jerked up when reality hit me and I saw that the guy had collected his books and left.

"Idiot" I muttered myself while I collected my books which were randomly sprawled across the floor and headed to get issued by the help desk located on the ground floor.

I issued all my books and decided to go home to do some research about the project I was going to be involved in...

When I exited the library I saw that it had become dark outside and I looked at my watch. I saw it was 8:45 pm and decided to go home as fast as possible.

I usually exited the library pretty early because it wasn't safe to go outside alone in the night.

Not many people stayed in my neighbourhood as it was fairly a new place. I had simply rented it because it was cheap plus it was near to my college.

I walked hurriedly as I tried to enter my silent neighbourhood through a shortcut I used...

It was a thin cemented road under a bridge through which not many people travelled.

Unfortunately, I heard some silent footsteps walking in my direction.

I looked behind and nothing

When I looked in front I was met by the same hooded man I saw in the library.. he roughly pushed me and I fell to the ground along with my bag.

"Give me my goddamn book!!" he shouted as he headed towards me and my bag...

I checked inside if I had taken some other book but no... all the books were mine and I was sure of it

"Sorry but I don't have your book"I spoke confidently although I was terrified on the inside

"LIAR!! YOU ARE A THIEF" he spoke as he charged towards me with his fists clenched.

I was too startled to even comprehend the situation I had gotten myself in as I stood up and gave the man an uppercut as he fell to the ground with a large thud.. yes I had learnt kickboxing for 3 years and it was coming useful now...

I picked up my bag and ran towards my house and locked the door...

Who was he and why was he behind that book?




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