Beyond the Scenes

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It had been one week since the reunion. Everything was back to normal as always but Rena was nowhere to be found.

And here I couldn't even rest in peace.


"How? Wha-"

"Yeah, even I don't understand what happened just now"Jimin interrupted.

"This is unrealistic. I mean they just.... disappeared without any trace." Mina spoke up with a shocked face just like the one Jimin and I had.

We shifted a bit backwards... there was some sort of unexplainable radiation which we felt in that area which made us a bit lofty...

"Looks like the weird thing left a mark" Mina pointed at the spot where the electric blue portal had once stood. The spot was now completely black instead of the lush green grass it had earlier.

"Well, I'm gonna ask raelynn about whatever occurred as soon as I spot her" Jimin spoke with a furious expression on his face.

"No don't. I'm sure she's been hiding more.. how does she know Andrew in the first place? As far as I know, she left even before Andrew arrived. If we ask her about it.. she would surely spout useless falsifications so it's better if we keep an eye on her and not say anything about this incident." I addressed sternly.

"So Andrew is the guy who was shouting so loudly? Even I don't know him properly." Jimin spoke with an awkward smile.

"Yes, he's the guy who came here after you and Rena left this place. He used to bully other kids and yell a lot.. guess some people never attempt to correct themselves" I spoke sighing as I shook my head while Mina did the same.

"Well guess we should go now it's too late" Jimin spoke and then we all headed towards our houses as we waved each other goodbye.

A phone call brought me back to reality. The call was from Mina.

Why is she calling me at 4 in the morning?

I thought to myself as I picked the call.


"Aera! I have got some useful info regarding Rena's sudden disappearance.." I noticed that she was whispering way too fast and she seemed scared?

"Mina please speak a bit louder I can't hear you"

"Kera Rena is he-"

And the line went dead...

I tried to call back many times but it said that the number didn't exist?

This was so odd...

And everything was freaking happening at 4 in the morning.

Finally, I gave up and called up Jimin.

"Are you that high to call me at this hour" Jimin croaked out in his morning voice as he let out a big yawn.

"Jimin! Do you know where Mina lives? she suddenly called me up at this hour and said that she knows what happened to Rena."

"What? What else did she tell you?" I heard some shifting noise from Jimin's side as I assumed he might've stood up from his bed.

"She was about to tell me about what happened but before she could even complete her sentence, the line went dead... I even tried calling her back but then the lady at the end of the call says that the number doesn't exist? I don't know what to do anymore. Can you, perhaps, tell me her address so that I can find her?"

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