Chapter 54

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We arrive to the confines of Arego with little to no further trouble. Other than Bren and Renit's constant bickering and dislike towards each other, somewhat softened since Bren took that arrow for me, we arrive unscathed. And slightly annoyed.

The first thing I want to do is crash into bed and sleep in our residence but I force my steps in the direction of the community kitchens to deliver information with Bren at my side. My knees wobble, my shoulders hang. This is the only stopping point before we're headed to Saebia and officially on a different stretch of land that even Renit has never visited in all his years of life.

I inform the rebels of the disasters in Ducoria. They gasp in shock. I deliver the king's message, given to me personally through the body of an innocent man that will never take another breath of his own without the king telling him to. That, too, stuns the room before me. Slowly, as the meeting goes on, more and more gather and huddle against the walls to listen to what Bren and I have to say.

We explain Darlene's parents, how Bren's injuries came to be, and how many dead bodies we counted in the streets—waiting for decay. The rebels can't believe it. They can't believe there's someone amongst them that could be the reason for the king's ability to know our moves before we've acted them out ourselves. Whoever it is, if there's anyone at all, they're posing as an ordinary man. At night, he's a soldier giving his time to the king's cause.

No one shows themselves to be our suspect during the meeting. I study faces, watch expressions, search for lingering eyes or diverted stars. Not even Alaric proves himself to be the enemy. He was my last suspicion, anyway. The king doesn't know he's alive, and unless Alaric disappears during the night, walks to the capital and back, it's impossible he's on the king's side. If anything, he's infuriated that someone is slipping past his guard—utterly undetected.

He doesn't scold me for searching for a lost cause in Ducoria's people. It's not my fault the king beat us to it and sent Hallie, an uncontrolled witch that is supposed to heal rather than cut, to do his bidding. I stared at Silas's face as I told the room that Hallie, the woman he spent so many years protecting, is the one that led the charge.

Emotions aren't displayed as commonly on Silas's face these days. He studies the toes of his boots, his arms crossed over his chest, and doesn't give anyone in the room the benefit of watching him crumble. His brother stands next to him, stoic and strong, but they don't share a moment beyond a simple glance.

Through the meeting, I try to check off all the boxes of what we experienced. The guards attacking us in the woods, the king playing games instead of killing us all, our venturing to Saebia and possible relocation for those we left behind. We'll go as a group towards Flitsea but the rebellion will split on the outskirts.

To my eternal surprise, Alaric is the one to suggest is. We'll vacate Arego, leaving nothing behind but the ghosts of our enemies and allies, and relocated until we have the proper forces to bring us back into the capital and take down the king of Esaria. Once this is over, once we win, the kingdom will unite as one.

I express that and make sure to catch the eye of my allies in the room. Dalis still won't at me and she's attached to Binx's hip, her eyes swollen. Her mouth is drawn into a permanent line of despair. She's still mourning. Not for a second do I expect the process to be swift or smooth; it'll take time for her to feel normal again.

She appears thinner, weaker. Less like herself.

Tesha and Citlali have made their relationship known. They're not immune to playful touches, hand-holding, and joke appreciation. They sit next to each other, legs crossed and shoulders touching. The light in their faces is everything that was sucked from Dalis's. I can take honor in knowing not all of us are in total pain.

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