Chapter 66

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As if collectively deciding to not make matters worse than they already are, everyone stops moving. No one breaths too deeply, and no one dares lift a finger higher than to tighten it around the grip on their sword.

Two armies standing opposite each other, one led by three kings, the other led by a single witch preparing himself to make the ultimate sacrifice. Or to avoid it. A dry wind rushes through the courtyard, stirring up dead leaves and the crumpled petals of flowers already forgotten. The gardens haven't seen attention in weeks. Each flower is wilted, the bushes dying, yet growing wider every day without proper care.

This is the worst possible place to have a battle, but we're already here. If I've seen this courtyard crumbled once already, there's no fault in having that type of destruction occur twice.

I shift my stare to the front line of our army, coming across too many familiar faces for it to be a coincidence. This is where the long road ends.

Through the silent order given through shared blood, the king's men position themselves at his side in front of the castle. They block the entrances and exits, climbing up the walls to station themselves at a higher vantage. Unknown to them, it's easier to take them out at once. If Avalie's life wasn't on the line, Citlali and I could direct our powers at both sides and wipe them off the field. And the king would stand alone.

Down the line, she clenches her hands into fists and stares down her sharp nose at the king. His hand wraps firmly around Avalie's throat, the other holding her there with the blade of a dagger pressing so high into her jaw that I wonder how it hasn't broken through skin yet. Tears cut a clean path through her soot-stained cheeks, and the titanium band on her wrist is covered in enough grime to indicate she hasn't seen the light of day in weeks.

She can't use that volatile power that would end the king's life in one swift beat. How simple that would be if such a thing didn't exist. But standing at his side, unharmed and utterly clean—Hallie won't look at us. She has yet to realize her father stands towards the front of our army, but how would she? The shame overcoming her body is too much to bear. Staring at the army at her side instead of facing the demons gifted to her upon birth is much easier.

I watch the rage curdle in Silas's eyes. A new flame comes to life underneath his skin and it rages brighter than any star or blazing inferno. I can't imagine being on the other side of that stare and expect anything other than a brutal death to come from it.

"How nice. Both of my sons back together," the king purrs. He pushes his way to the front of his army, therein by pushing Avalie along with him. She whimpers. Silas growls under his breath but he doesn't dare move. "I didn't think you'd make it this far but I suppose I trained you to be the monsters you are today. Ruthless and cunning, you are." He won't buy his way out of this with meaningless compliments.

Silas's arm shakes when he raises it towards his father. "Either you let her go, or I rip every tooth out of your head and shove them into every crevice your body will allow. Even the ones I create. She belongs to no one; especially not you," he seethes.

"I find it interesting that you left without her, Silas." The king tightens his grip on Avalie's throat and she winces. "I figured you would do anything to ensure she's still alive. Hallie pointed her out for me. A chip on the playing field."

Silas shakes his head. "That's not what she is."

Something flickers out of the corner of my eye and I look towards the large castle looming in front of us, standing tall behind the king's frame and his army. His soldiers are stationed on the lower levels, but not higher. I catch the flicker again, a flash of recognition, and my blood runs cold. Looking down the line casually...he's not here. I can't find his face anywhere. Not in the front lines where he was mere minutes ago and definitely not towards the back, where he believes he should remain.

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