Chapter 59

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No one sitting at this table around me expected this to happen. But here it is. The shouting of guards, the thundering of boots through the halls of the castle, the slamming of the two large doors that lock us in here with guards on the other side.

Chairs scrape along the floors when our entire rebellion stands at once, looking to the king of Saebia for questions and answers. This is his land, not our own, and the threat that we initially thought was safe across waters has made its way here. They followed us. The only ships at the docks were small fishing boats and the occasional merchant ship. Nothing from Esaria and nothing that posed as a threat.

They were hours out, but here all the same. Esaria is here. And their target is standing before me, at the head of the table, looking to the doors in hopes to not see the Marron king breaking through. He won't, not if we have anything to say about it.

Saebia has dreaded this since their surrender on the battlefield. They knew it would come eventually when their king didn't have over the land willingly. If they can fight to take down as many of the king's men as possible, it'll be a small number carved in their forces and less for Esaria to use to steal other lands.

One is not always prepared for what comes next. It's clear that the king before us is not certain what he should be doing. I imagine he laid awake many nights and tried to figure this out; what he would do when the time comes to fight with his people and sacrifice his life while they gave their own. But the fear in his dark eyes reveals he isn't ready to die.

The people screaming outside; the guards going down in the fight—they're not ready to die either. They're willing to for their king, for their land, for the future of life in this world, but they don't realize the strong immortal forces inside this palace. We are allies now, and as allies, we must protect each other from the inevitable death and destruction.

"Permission to use my power?" I blurt as the screaming becomes louder. At that moment, an arrow shatters the glass windows on the other side of the room, someone screams, and we're shoved to the other side of the room. Esaria is in the royal courtyard and guards—soldiers—are dying. The black and red wave leading to the palace is more blood than anything.

"Excuse me?" The king asks once he regains his ground on the other side of the room.

I step before him and block his vision from the terror taking place in the room. Renit is readying his storm whether the king is willing to allow us this chance or not. Thunder claps across the sky and lightning swirls in those dark clouds. Tesha is ordering three quivers of arrows and the finest bow they have, Citlali is shading herself in the corner of the window to view the battle. "We have less than five minutes!" She shouts.

I whirl back to the king. His eyes dart between me and the impending doom. Another arrow flies in and he ducks, but it smacks against the wall and narrowly misses his portrait. "Why—why do you wish to do this?" He stutters.

"We're allies now. We protect each other. You're doing it for us, so we'll do the same for you. We have two witches of ground here and an entire array of strengths. Give us permission and we won't hold back." I strongly point towards those windows once more.

Buildings in the city are on fire and although the clashing of swords rings out, screams and guttered sounds ring out a second later. Saebia is fighting, but they're not winning.

"My's been in the family for generations. I can't—"

"If you survive this, we'll build you another one. Courtesy of Esaria. Throw it in the deal." Terror is louder, louder by the second. My boots are angled towards the doors in preparation to run as fast as I can to the courtyard as the king of Saebia gives one final consideration.

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